After a PhD in Microbiology on bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems at the Free University of Brussels, I joined the Institut Pasteur for a 3 years postdoc in Eduardo Rocha’s lab. During this period, I performed comparative genomics and pylogenetic analysis on bacterial conjugation and type IV secretion systems. Then, I worked 2 years in Olivier Tenaillon’s team on the modelling and evolution of organismal complexity. I joined the HUB in 2015, and I am involved in phylogenetic and comparative genomics projects.
Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2023 2024
This training program in statistics, bioinformatics and image analysis, financed by INCEPTION program, begins with a mandatory common core during which we will present all the tracks, and follow short courses on computer science, […]
Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2022-2023
This training program in statistics, bioinformatics and image analysis begins with a mandatory common core during which we will present all the tracks, and follow short courses on computer science, reproducible research, experimental design […]
Introduction à la Phylogénie Moléculaire : Concepts, méthodes et interprétation
Ce cours a pour objectif d’enseigner les bases théoriques et pratiques nécessaires à la conduite d’analyses phylogénétiques. Les sessions théoriques seront consacrées aux bases du domaine (représentation et combinatoire des arbres, modèles d’évolution) et […]
Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2020-2021
This mandatory training program, required for all Institut Pasteur PhD students, begins with a group of common core courses including a knowledge base in reproducible research, R Programming and Statistics. Each student then can […]
Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics – ENS Paris
Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics course aims to give the basic theoretical and practical concepts, best practices, and software necessary to start working on molecular phylogenetics and its applications to epidemiology. The course will have […]
Introduction à la Phylogénie Moléculaire : Concepts, méthodes et interprétation
Ce cours a pour objectif de donner les bases théoriques et pratiques, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques nécessaires au démarrage de travaux en phylogénie et épidémiologie moléculaires. Les sessions théoriques donneront les bases du […]
Introduction à la phylogénie moléculaire
Ce cours d’introduction à la phylogénie a pour objectif d’apporter les connaissances théoriques et les bonnes pratiques d’analyse de données par les logiciels de phylogénie. Il est ouvert aux formations doctorales et aux professionnels […]
C3BI Course: Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics – Hong Kong 2018
General Information: This introductory course aims to give the basic theoretical and practical concepts, best practices, and software necessary to start working on molecular phylogenetics and its applications to epidemiology. The course will have […]
Nous proposons une formation classique à la phylogénie moléculaire avec des cours théoriques portant sur les trois méthodes de construction d’arbres phylogénétiques : distance, parcimonie et maximum de vraisemblance. Nous expliquerons les concepts généraux […]
Former Teams
2015Research engineer
Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Département Biologie Computationnelle, Institut Pasteur, Paris
2013Post doctoral position (2 years)
Quantitative Evolutionary Microbiology, IAME, INSERM, UMR 1137, Paris
2010Post doctoral position (3 years)
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics, Institut Pasteur, Paris
2005PhD fellow (5 years)
Bacterial Genetics and Physiology, Free University of Brussels
2004Master student (1 year)
Ecology, Systematics and Evolution, Paris-Sud University
2024A novel cgMLST for genomic surveillance of Yersinia enterocolitica infections in France allowed the detection and investigation of outbreaks in 2017-2021., Microbiol Spectr 2024 Apr; (): e0050424.
2022Viral origin of eukaryotic type IIA DNA topoisomerases, Virus Evolution 2022;8(2):veac097.
2022First Description of a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Clonal Outbreak in France, Confirmed Using a New Core Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing Method., Microbiol Spectr 2022 Jul; (): e0114522.
2022A dual barcoding approach to bacterial strain nomenclature: Genomic taxonomy of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains, Mol Biol Evol. 2022 Jun; msac135.
2021Genomic epidemiology and strain taxonomy of Corynebacterium diphtheriae., J Clin Microbiol 2021 Sep; (): JCM0158121.
2021Ongoing diphtheria outbreak in Yemen: a cross-sectional and genomic epidemiology study., Lancet Microbe 2021 Aug; 2(8): e386-e396.
2021Phylogenetic analysis of Harmonin homology domains., BMC Bioinformatics 2021 Apr; 22(1): 190.
2021High-Resolution Typing of Staphylococcus epidermidis Based on Core Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing To Investigate the Hospital Spread of Multidrug-Resistant Clones., J Clin Microbiol 2021 Feb; 59(3): .
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