Immunology Phd Thesis : Étude des conséquences fonctionnelles d’une mutation ponctuelle du gène EXTL3 : Rôle dans l’ossification enchondrale – Stéphane HILLIQUIN
Bâtiment: Monod – Salle: Amphithéâtre Agnès Ullmann –
2023-10-02 14:30:00
2023-10-02 17:00:00
Immunology Phd Thesis : Étude des conséquences fonctionnelles d’une mutation ponctuelle du gène EXTL3 : Rôle dans l’ossification enchondrale
Soutenance de thèse Université de Paris École Doctorale Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité (562) Lundi 2 octobre 2023 à 14h30 Amphithéâtre Agnès Ullman Stéphane HILLIQUIN Unité Immunorégulation « Étude des conséquences fonctionnelles d’une mutation ponctuelle […]
PhD Thesis-Maria Gutiérrez-Sanchez: “Macrophage Lysine Demethylase LSD1: Implications for intracellular Leishmania survival and host-directed drug discovery”
Bâtiment: Metchnikoff RdC 05 – Salle: Salle JULES BORDET – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-10-02 14:00:00
2023-10-02 17:00:00
PhD Thesis-Maria Gutiérrez-Sanchez: “Macrophage Lysine Demethylase LSD1: Implications for intracellular Leishmania survival and host-directed drug discovery”
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
second edition of Single Cell Mini symposium
Bâtiment: Amphitheater François Jacob –
2023-09-29 14:00:00
2023-09-29 18:00:00
second edition of Single Cell Mini symposium
The Single Cell Resources initiative of the Institut Pasteur is pleased to announce the second edition of “Single cell Mini Symposium” to be held on September 29, 2023 at the Institut Pasteur. Find the […]
PhD Defense: Sarah Dellière (Immunobiology of Aspergillus group, Mycology dpt) “Role of humoral immunity against Aspergillus fumigatus” ; Thursday 28 September @2.30 pm ; Jules Bordet room
Bâtiment: Metchnikoff building – Salle: Jules Bordet room –
2023-09-28 14:30:00
2023-09-28 17:00:00
PhD Defense: Sarah Dellière (Immunobiology of Aspergillus group, Mycology dpt) “Role of humoral immunity against Aspergillus fumigatus” ; Thursday 28 September @2.30 pm ; Jules Bordet room
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Professor Vyacheslav YURCHENKO “Viral and bacterial endobionts of Trypanosomatidae: lessons from the “obscure” species”
Bâtiment: Retrovirus – Salle: Lwoff – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-28 12:00:00
2023-09-28 13:00:00
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Professor Vyacheslav YURCHENKO “Viral and bacterial endobionts of Trypanosomatidae: lessons from the “obscure” species”
Séminaire extraordinaire du Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Professor Vyacheslav YURCHENKO Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Genetics; Lab Head Laboratory of Trypanosomatid Biology – Life Science Research Center University of Ostrava […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Joint Microbiology, BCI, and Structural Biology and Chemistry Departments seminar: Melanie OTT (UCSF, USA) ; “Understanding SARS-CoV-2 Variants through Reverse Genetics” ; Wenesday 27 September @2.00pm; Jules Bordet room – Melanie Ott
Bâtiment: Metchnikoff building – Salle: Jules Bordet room –
2023-09-27 14:00:00
2023-09-27 15:00:00
Joint Microbiology, BCI, and Structural Biology and Chemistry Departments seminar: Melanie OTT (UCSF, USA) ; “Understanding SARS-CoV-2 Variants through Reverse Genetics” ; Wenesday 27 September @2.00pm; Jules Bordet room
Wenesday, September 27th, 2023, at 2.00pm Jules Bordet room Melanie Ott Senior Investigator, Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology at the UCSF (University of California San Francisco), Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology, […]
DBSC workshop “Optimal Prediction of Protein Complex Structures with AlphaFold Made Easy” on September 26th
Bâtiment: Duclaux – Salle: Amphitheater Duclaux – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-26 09:30:00
2023-09-26 18:00:00
DBSC workshop “Optimal Prediction of Protein Complex Structures with AlphaFold Made Easy” on September 26th
The Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry at Institut Pasteur organises a workshop on “Optimal Prediction of Protein Complex Structures with AlphaFold Made Easy”. This workshop aims to provide participants with valuable insights and […]
28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
European Developmental Biology Congress 2023
Bâtiment: François Jacob – Salle: Auditorium François Jacob –
2023-09-25 09:00:00
2023-09-29 18:00:00
European Developmental Biology Congress 2023
The European Developmental Biology Congress: a distributed meeting across Oxford, Barcelona and Paris 25th – 28th September 2023 The main hub of the conference will be in Oxford, UK, with two additionnal hubs in […]
PhD Thesis “ Measuring heterogeneity within monoclonal bacterial population in anchored microfluidic droplets:The case of antibiotic response” Lena Le Quellec
Bâtiment: Bat Monod – Salle: Auditorium - Agnès ULLMANN –
2023-09-22 14:00:00
2023-09-22 17:00:00
PhD Thesis “ Measuring heterogeneity within monoclonal bacterial population in anchored microfluidic droplets:The case of antibiotic response” Lena Le Quellec
Global Health DPT | Seminar: “Epidemiology and control of COVID-19 in Hong Kong” – Ben COWLING
Bâtiment: Lwoff building – Salle: Retrovirus meeting room – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-22 12:00:00
2023-09-22 13:00:00
Global Health DPT | Seminar: “Epidemiology and control of COVID-19 in Hong Kong”
Ben COWLING School of public health (Hong Kong, China) “Epidemiology and control of COVID-19 in Hong Kong” Friday 22 September 2023, at 12:00 pm Retrovirus meeting room – Lwoff building Hosted by Simon CAUCHEMEZ […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Microbiology department seminar: Clay Fuqua (Indiana University, USA) ; “Pterin it up: Complex control of surface attachment and biofilm formation in the model pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens” ; Friday September 22nd, 11.30am ; Auditorium F. Jacob – Clay Fuqua
Bâtiment: Centre F. Jacob – Salle: Auditorium F. Jacob –
2023-09-22 11:30:00
2023-09-22 00:30:00
Microbiology department seminar: Clay Fuqua (Indiana University, USA) ; “Pterin it up: Complex control of surface attachment and biofilm formation in the model pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens” ; Friday September 22nd, 11.30am ; Auditorium F. Jacob
SEMINAR DEPT MICROBIOLOGY Friday, September 22nd 2023 at 11:30 am AUDITORIUM CENTRE FRANCOIS JACOB Clay Fuqua Clyde Culbertson Professor of Biology, Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana, USA Invited by Jean-Marc Ghigo “Pterin […]
Mycology dpt seminar : Prof Frédéric Lamoth. (UNIL, Switzerland); “Mechanisms of azole resistance in Candida auris ; September 21st @ 12.00pm ; JP Aubert room – Frédéric Lamoth
Bâtiment: Fernbach building – Salle: JP Aubert room –
2023-09-21 12:00:00
2023-09-21 13:00:00
Mycology dpt seminar : Prof Frédéric Lamoth. (UNIL, Switzerland); “Mechanisms of azole resistance in Candida auris ; September 21st @ 12.00pm ; JP Aubert room
GG department seminar: Kai Papenfort (University of Jena, Germany) : “From strings of nucleotides to collective behavior: Lessons from Vibrio cholerae” ; Thursday, September 21st @ 11.00am ; Auditorium F. Jacob – Kai Papenfort
Bâtiment: Centre François Jacob – Salle: Auditorium François Jacob –
2023-09-21 11:00:00
2023-09-21 12:00:00
GG department seminar: Kai Papenfort (University of Jena, Germany) : “From strings of nucleotides to collective behavior: Lessons from Vibrio cholerae” ; Thursday, September 21st @ 11.00am ; Auditorium F. Jacob
Global Health Departmental Days 2023
Bâtiment: Amphitheater Duclaux – Adresse: 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-20 09:00:00
2023-09-21 17:00:00
Global Health Departmental Days 2023
For this new edition, the Global Health Departmental Days were organised at Institut Pasteur in Paris on 20 and 21 September 2023. This was the place for the department’s scientists, especially young researchers, to […]
28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Single-Domain Antibodies 2023
Bâtiment: CIS Auditorium – Salle: CIS Auditorium – Adresse: 25 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-18 08:30:00
2023-09-20 12:00:00
Single-Domain Antibodies 2023
The Single-Domain Antibodies 2023 meeting will be the 3rd congress on single-domain antibodies after Nanobodies 2019 in Bonn and Nanobodies 2021 in Brussels. This dedicated congress will allow the scientific community to meet and share the […]
25 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
Single domain antibodies 2023
2023-09-18 08:00:00
2023-09-20 12:00:00
Single domain antibodies 2023
Microbiology departement seminar : Brandon Jutras (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA) ; Friday, September 15th @11.30am ; Auditorium F.Jacob – Brandon Jutras
Bâtiment: Centre François Jacob – Salle: Auditorium F. Jacob –
2023-09-15 12:30:00
2023-09-15 13:30:00
Microbiology departement seminar : Brandon Jutras (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA) ; Friday, September 15th @11.30am ; Auditorium F.Jacob
Microbiology department seminar Friday, September 15th 2023 at 11:30 am AUDITORIUM CENTRE FRANCOIS JACOB Brandon Jutras Fralin Life Sciences Institute Centre for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-borne Diseases, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA Invited by Mathieu […]
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Seminar Thomas OTTO“Bioinformatics tools to explore host-parasite interactions”
Bâtiment: Retrovirus – Salle: Lwoff – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-14 12:00:00
2023-09-14 13:00:00
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Seminar Thomas OTTO“Bioinformatics tools to explore host-parasite interactions”
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Club viro: Influenza A virus & TDP-43 /// SARS-CoV-2-mediated cell hijacking – Maud Dupont
Bâtiment: Lwoff – Salle: Retrovirus – Adresse: 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-12 12:00:00
2023-09-12 13:00:00
Club viro: Influenza A virus & TDP-43 /// SARS-CoV-2-mediated cell hijacking
28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Dept Microbiology & Global Health joint Seminar | Stephen Baker “Where do we go next with AMR?”
Salle: Auditorium Centre Francois Jacob – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-09-06 12:00:00
2023-09-06 13:00:00
Dept Microbiology & Global Health joint Seminar | Stephen Baker “Where do we go next with AMR?”
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Symposium – Artificial Intelligence in Biology and Health – Laura Cantini, David Bikard, Marc Delarue, Olivier Sperandio, Benno Schwikowski, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Jiachuan Bai, Jean-Philippe Vert, Thomas Walter, Maria Rodriguez Martinez, Anna Kreshuk, Ninon Burgos, Hervé Turlier, Fabian Theis, Thierry Mora
Bâtiment: Amphitheatre Duclaux –
2023-07-03 13:30:00
2023-07-04 13:00:00
Symposium – Artificial Intelligence in Biology and Health
Biology and medicine are generating vast amounts of data, from DNA sequencing to imaging, that scream for computational analyses. Over the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) methods such as deep learning have fueled breakthroughs […]
Workshop on Clinical and Environmental Metagenome Analysis (CINEMA)
Adresse: 5 Rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, France
2023-07-03 09:00:00
2023-07-10 18:00:00
Workshop on Clinical and Environmental Metagenome Analysis (CINEMA)
A metagenome analysis workshop designed for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and investigators from diverse backgrounds and biological interests for clarity on how to effectively utilize current metagenomic sequencing technologies for answering specific research questions. […]
5 Rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, France
Soutenance d’Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) pour Nicolás RASCOVAN – Nicolas Rascovan
Bâtiment: Monod – Salle: Amphithéâtre AGNES ULLMANN – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
2023-06-28 14:00:00
2023-06-28 17:00:00
Soutenance d’Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) pour Nicolás RASCOVAN
HDR Defense for Nicolás RASCOVAN Head of the Microbial Paleogenomics G5 Unit Place: Wednesday June 28th at 14h Amphithéâtre AGNES ULLMANN – Batiment Monod, Sous Sol 03 Institut Pasteur, […]
28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
Antibodies and Complement conference 2023
Adresse: Eden Roc Hotel by Brava Hoteles, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona, Spain
2023-06-27 14:00:00
2023-07-01 00:00:00
Antibodies and Complement conference 2023
The antibody response and the complement system are major effector arms of the immune system. Both have been involved in a plethora of pathological conditions, including autoimmunity, allergy, infections and cancer. Antibodies and complement […]
Eden Roc Hotel by Brava Hoteles, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona, Spain
DPT Parasites and insects Vectors – Soutenance de thèse de Doctorat – Isabelle BOUYSSOU
Bâtiment: Metchnikoff – Salle: salle Jules Bordet – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-06-27 08:00:00
2023-06-27 12:00:00
DPT Parasites and insects Vectors – Soutenance de thèse de Doctorat – Isabelle BOUYSSOU
Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Soutenance de thèse de Doctorat Sorbonne Université (école doctorale ED 515 “Complexité du Vivant”) Isabelle BOUYSSOU Unité de Biologie de Plasmodium et Vaccins « Deciphering Plasmodium vivax invasion […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Immuno Pasteur Day
Salle: Duclaux Amphitheater –
2023-06-23 09:30:00
2023-06-23 18:00:00
Immuno Pasteur Day
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] The organizing committee: Elsa Bourayou, Ana Choi, François Dossin, Guillaume Frasca, Fabian Guendel Rojas, Vanessa Kremer, Francisca Soares Da Silva
25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society
Adresse: Espace de conférences IRIS, 2 bis Rue Mercœur, 75011 Paris, France
2023-06-21 08:00:00
2023-06-23 19:00:00
25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society
The 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society will take place on June 21-23 in Paris. 135+ industrials and academics will be gathered at Redox Medicine 2023, and more than 57 scientific communications […]
Espace de conférences IRIS, 2 bis Rue Mercœur, 75011 Paris, France
First Ice Day : Symposium of the nanoimaging Cryo-EM core facility users – Marta Carroni
Bâtiment: Amphitheater Agnés Ullmann – Adresse: 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2023-06-20 09:00:00
2023-06-20 18:00:00
First Ice Day : Symposium of the nanoimaging Cryo-EM core facility users
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] On June 20, the Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry (Francesca Gubellini, Markel Martinez-Carranza and Ludovic Sauguet), with the support of the Center for Technological Resources and Research (C2RT), will […]
25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Symposium on Microbial Extracellular Vesicles ; June 15th, 2023 ; Auditorium François Jacob
Bâtiment: Centre – Salle: Auditorium F. Jacob –
2023-06-15 09:20:00
2023-06-15 18:10:00
Symposium on Microbial Extracellular Vesicles ; June 15th, 2023 ; Auditorium François Jacob
Symposium on MICROBIAL EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES June 15th, 2023 – 9.20-18.05 – Auditorium François Jacob Presentation Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are particles enclosed by a membrane that cells release into the extracellular space. They are […]
IBEID LabEx Day – 12th Edition 2023
Bâtiment: Amphithéatre Duclaux – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2023-06-12 09:15:00
2023-06-12 16:00:00
IBEID LabEx Day – 12th Edition 2023
LabEx IBEID Integrative Biology for Emerging Infectious Diseases Twelfth Annual Meeting – June 12 2023 09h15-9h30 Philippe Bastin, scientific LabEx co-coordinator Welcome and introduction "1st Session" Carla Saleh, Chair 09h30 Guest […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France