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Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2023 2024
This training program in statistics, bioinformatics and image analysis, financed by INCEPTION program, begins with a mandatory common core during which we will present all the tracks, and follow short courses on computer science, […]
2023-10-23 09:30:00
2024-06-28 17:00:00
Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2023 2024
This training program in statistics, bioinformatics and image analysis, financed by INCEPTION program, begins with a mandatory common core during which we will present all the tracks, and follow short courses on computer science, […]
25-28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
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PHINDaccess – Comparative Genomics
Comparative genomics is a field of biological research in which a variety of tools are used to compare genome sequences of different species. By carefully comparing characteristics that define various organisms, researchers can pinpoint […]
2022-03-16 09:00:00
2022-03-18 17:00:00
PHINDaccess – Comparative Genomics
Comparative genomics is a field of biological research in which a variety of tools are used to compare genome sequences of different species. By carefully comparing characteristics that define various organisms, researchers can pinpoint […]
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Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2022-2023
This training program in statistics, bioinformatics and image analysis begins with a mandatory common core during which we will present all the tracks, and follow short courses on computer science, reproducible research, experimental design […]
2022-10-21 09:30:00
2023-06-30 18:00:00
Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2022-2023
This training program in statistics, bioinformatics and image analysis begins with a mandatory common core during which we will present all the tracks, and follow short courses on computer science, reproducible research, experimental design […]
25-28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
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PHINDaccess – Functional OMICs
This course will explore state-of-the-art knowledge and experiences to better understand complex biological systems. The main objective is to provide participants with a solid foundation on the current bioinformatics approaches and tools to better […]
2022-05-23 09:00:00
2022-05-27 17:00:00
PHINDaccess – Functional OMICs
This course will explore state-of-the-art knowledge and experiences to better understand complex biological systems. The main objective is to provide participants with a solid foundation on the current bioinformatics approaches and tools to better […]
Institut Pasteur، Tunis, Tunisia
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Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2020-2021
This mandatory training program, required for all Institut Pasteur PhD students, begins with a group of common core courses including a knowledge base in reproducible research, R Programming and Statistics. Each student then can […]
2020-10-15 09:30:00
2021-06-03 17:00:00
Bioinformatics program for PhD students 2020-2021
This mandatory training program, required for all Institut Pasteur PhD students, begins with a group of common core courses including a knowledge base in reproducible research, R Programming and Statistics. Each student then can […]
25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
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High Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis on Genomics, Metagenomics and Transcriptomics
The National Center for Aquaculture and Marine Research (CENAIM) of the Polytechnic School of the Litoral (Ecuador), the Computational Biology and Microbial Ecology Group (BCEM) of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and the […]
2018-09-13 09:00:00
2018-09-21 17:00:00
High Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis on Genomics, Metagenomics and Transcriptomics
The National Center for Aquaculture and Marine Research (CENAIM) of the Polytechnic School of the Litoral (Ecuador), the Computational Biology and Microbial Ecology Group (BCEM) of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and the […]
Escuela superior politécnica del litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador
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Morning session – Introduction to NGS data analysis
The Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at the Institut Pasteur organizes thematic courses open to everybody. The second session, entitled “Introduction to NGS data analysis” will take place every Tuesday, from the May 10th […]
2016-05-10 09:00:00
2016-06-28 12:00:00
Morning session – Introduction to NGS data analysis
The Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at the Institut Pasteur organizes thematic courses open to everybody. The second session, entitled “Introduction to NGS data analysis” will take place every Tuesday, from the May 10th […]
28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
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Introduction to Data Analysis
This four-week graduate level course will give participants basic skills and hands-on training in statistics and descriptive data analysis. This course is (primarily) dedicated to first year PhD students of the Institut Pasteur (each […]
2018-10-22 09:00:00
2018-11-20 00:00:00
Introduction to Data Analysis
This four-week graduate level course will give participants basic skills and hands-on training in statistics and descriptive data analysis. This course is (primarily) dedicated to first year PhD students of the Institut Pasteur (each […]
28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
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Hands-on course on High Throughput Sequencing data analysis: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Epigenomics
The University of Los Andes and the Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics of the C3BI (Center of Bioinformatics Biostatistics and Integrative Biology) at Institut Pasteur will organize this Hands-on course aimed at students/researchers that […]
2017-11-27 09:00:00
2017-12-01 17:00:00
Hands-on course on High Throughput Sequencing data analysis: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Epigenomics
The University of Los Andes and the Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics of the C3BI (Center of Bioinformatics Biostatistics and Integrative Biology) at Institut Pasteur will organize this Hands-on course aimed at students/researchers that […]
Bogota - Bogotá, Colombie
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Anciennes Équipes
Professional experience
Oct. 2015 – now
Senior Bioinformatician
Hub Bioinformatics and Biostatistics – DBC Paris – France
July 2014 – May 2015
Assistant Professor
Universidad de los Andes Bogotá – Colombia
August 2012 – June 2014
Postdoctoral position
Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Superieure Paris – France
March 2010 – July 2012
Postdoctoral position
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique Evry – France
Oct. 2005 – May 2009
PhD in Computational Biology
European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg – Germany
Oct. 2003 – Jan. 2005
Masters in Scientific Calculation
“Sapienza” Università di Roma Roma – Italia
1997 – 2002
B.Sc. Biology
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotà – Colombia |
2024Epithelial cells maintain memory of prior infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae through di-methylation of histone H3., Nat Commun 2024 Jul; 15(1): 5545.
2023Epigenomic signature of accelerated ageing in progeroid Cockayne syndrome., Aging Cell 2023 Sep; (): e13959.
2022ePeak: from replicated chromatin profiling data to epigenomic dynamics., NAR Genom Bioinform 2022 Jun; 4(2): lqac041.
2021SCHNAPPs – Single Cell sHiNy APPlication(s)., J Immunol Methods 2021 12; 499(): 113176.
2021The CovR regulatory network drives the evolution of Group B Streptococcus virulence., PLoS Genet 2021 Sep; 17(9): e1009761.
2018SUMO safeguards somatic and pluripotent cell identities by enforcing distinct chromatin states, Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Nov 1;23(5):742-757.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2018.10.001.
2017Comparative epigenomics in the Brassicaceae reveals two evolutionarily conserved modes of PRC2-mediated gene regulation, Genome Biol. 2017 Oct;18(1):207.
2015Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced symmetric DNA methylation, Nat Plants 2015;1:14023.
2011ELM–the database of eukaryotic linear motifs, Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D242-51.
2010Phospho.ELM: a database of phosphorylation sites–update 2011, Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database issue):D261-7.
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