The Quantitative Biology program of the Institut Pasteur is intended to facilitate research and education at the interface of biology and the more quantitative sciences. One of the major aims of Quantitative Biology is thus to understand the underlying principles of complex biological behavior in terms of physical and mathematical models. This approach overarches all fields of biology.
The initiative has organised since 2016 height international symposium covering transversal topics (e.g.: the role of forces in biology, networks in neurobiology, the physics of membranes, quantitative biology of bacteria, bridging the scales and collective behaviours, physics of cancer, mechanics development and evolution). We have organised between 2021 and 2024 a monthly internal seminar serie regrouping junior speakers from different groups sharing works in progress in a very interactive format.
Since 2024, the Qbio initiative organises bi-monthly minisymposiums on transversal topics regrouping internal speakers as well as invited local speakers sharing their science in a informal setting. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to hear about our future events.