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The Department of Cell Biology and Infection develops an integrated approach to study the basic mechanisms underlying cell physiology during infection by various microbes and in other pathologies such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Our goal is, through a multidisciplinary approach, to achieve a comprehensive characterization of cellular processes in physiological and pathological conditions at multiple scales. The laboratories of the department work along three main directions:

  • quantitative and integrative cell biology in physiological and pathological conditions: analyzing large and complex datasets (experimental, genomics, clinical) and modeling cellular processes, at the interface with mathematics and physics;
  • tissue and cell biology: developing new experimental approaches and methodologies to capture the dynamics and complexity of multi-scale biological phenomena bridging molecular mechanisms, organelles, cells and tissues;
  • emerging and re-emerging infections: combining basic research and human health approaches in integrated programs, from model pathogens to clinical strains, to better understand and fight new biological threats.

The Department of Cell Biology and Infection is directed by Guillaume Dumenil.

BCI departmental retreat 2024 – Cap Esterel

BCI departmental retreat 2022 – Mairie du 15e

BCI departmental retreat 2021


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