Electron Microscopy at Ultrastructural BioImaging
The Ultrastructural Bioimaging (UBI) facility at the Institut Pasteur provides state-of-the-art electron microscopy imaging approaches to users from the campus and outside. Samples range from single molecules to whole organisms. They can be observed at the highest resolution possible.
What we do:

Who are we?
13 electron microscopists with expertise covering a broad range of TEM & SEM methodologies.
What we offer:
- Training
- Collaboration or Service
- Implementation & Development of new methods
How to get started:
- Come and tell us more about your project in our weekly UBI team meeting or email us at ubi.all@pasteur.fr
- New trainings / projects should be requested via our online system : PPMS
All samples with a biosafety level P2/P3 require the submission of a ‘protocol de recherche’ to document the procedure of inactivation.
Certifications and networks:
- UBI is member of the Center for Technological Resources and Reearch (C2RT), centralizing the Technology and Service units (UTechS) and the technological core facilities of Institut Pasteur. Therefore, UBI follows the common C2RT guidlines for best working practices.
- UBI is Ibisa labelled and ISO 9001 certified
- UBI is part of FBI (France BioImaging), CTLS (Core Technologies for Life Sciences), C4L (Core for Life), Labex IBEID.
Brochure Technology Department C2RT-C2RA-C2RA-CRBIP
Localisations et guidelines :
Job / internship : UBI-opportunities@pasteur.fr