Thesis Defense: “Biosynthèse des nucléotides puriques chez les bactéries : identification d’un métabolon et exploration de la régulation allostérique d’une enzyme-clé de la voie de novo, l’inosine 5’-monophosphate déshydrogénase” – ANTOINE GEDEON – vendredi 17 décembre – Antoine Gedeon

Bâtiment: Duclaux – Salle: Amphithéâtre Duclaux – Adresse: 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2021-12-17 14:00:00 2021-12-17 17:00:00 Europe/Paris Thesis Defense: “Biosynthèse des nucléotides puriques chez les bactéries : identification d’un métabolon et exploration de la régulation allostérique d’une enzyme-clé de la voie de novo, l’inosine 5’-monophosphate déshydrogénase” – ANTOINE GEDEON – vendredi 17 décembre   Soutenance de Thèse de Doctorat Université de Paris – École Doctorale Médicament, Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries Antoine GEDEON Plateforme de Criblage Chémogénomique et Biologique “Biosynthèse des nucléotides puriques chez les bactéries : identification d’un […] 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD defense – Mathematical modelling and simulation of the transmission, surveillance and control of human pathogens in healthcare settings (David Smith) – David Smith

2021-12-16 14:00:00 2021-12-16 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD defense – Mathematical modelling and simulation of the transmission, surveillance and control of human pathogens in healthcare settings (David Smith) Healthcare-associated infections are caused by a diversity of pathogenic micro-organisms, which together represent leading causes of global infectious disease morbidity and mortality. The objective of this thesis was to develop novel mathematical models to […]

Département de Virologie : Soutenance de thèse “Émergence virale et mécanismes associés : exemples de la recombinaison non-réplicative chez les entérovirus et de la restriction du SARS-CoV-2 par DAXX” avec Alice MAC KAIN

Bâtiment: Centre François Jacob – Salle: Auditorium François Jacob – Adresse: 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2021-12-15 14:00:00 2021-12-15 17:00:00 Europe/Paris Département de Virologie : Soutenance de thèse “Émergence virale et mécanismes associés : exemples de la recombinaison non-réplicative chez les entérovirus et de la restriction du SARS-CoV-2 par DAXX” avec Alice MAC KAIN DEPARTEMENT DE VIROLOGIE   Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Université de Paris Ecole Doctorale BioSPC (n°562)   Alice MAC KAIN Unité des Populations virales et pathogenèse   Émergence virale et mécanismes associés : exemples […] 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD Thesis Defence – Transformation of spatial representations along the mouse hippocampal circuits – Bérénice Gandit

2021-11-25 10:00:00 2021-11-25 14:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis Defence – Transformation of spatial representations along the mouse hippocampal circuits   SOUTENANCE DE THÈSE  NEUROSCIENCE DEPARTMENT Sorbonne Université École Doctorale ED3C (Cerveau, Cognition, Comportement) Transformation of spatial representations along the mouse hippocampal circuits Bérénice Gandit Circuits neuronaux de la navigation et de la mémoire […]

PhD thesis defence – Synaptic integration in dentate gyrus granule cells during behavioural dicrimination in mice navigating in virtual reality – Ruy Gómez Ocádiz

2021-09-27 14:00:00 2021-09-27 18:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD thesis defence – Synaptic integration in dentate gyrus granule cells during behavioural dicrimination in mice navigating in virtual reality

PhD defence:”DNA damage and antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei”-Emilia Maclaughin

Salle: Microsoft TEAM – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2021-04-06 14:00:00 2021-04-06 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD defence:”DNA damage and antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei”-Emilia Maclaughin DÉPARTEMENT DES PARASITES ET INSECTES VECTEURS Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Emilia Mclaughlin Biologie moléculaire des Trypanosomes “DNA damage and antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei” 6 avril 2021 à 14h Par Microsoft Teams Directrice […] Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

G&G PhD Thesis – “VchM – a DNA cytosine methyltransferase modulates the response of Vibrio cholerae to proteotoxic stress” – André Filipe Paulino Carvalho

Salle: on Teams (link herewith) – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2021-01-08 14:00:00 2021-01-08 17:00:00 Europe/Paris G&G PhD Thesis – “VchM – a DNA cytosine methyltransferase modulates the response of Vibrio cholerae to proteotoxic stress” [gview file=””] Vous êtes invité à participer à une réunion Microsoft Teams Nous rejoindre sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile Cliquez ici pour participer à la réunion Ou composer le numéro (audio seulement) […] Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD thesis defense of Adeline Mallet

Bâtiment: Teams visioconference – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2020-12-02 15:00:00 2020-12-02 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD thesis defense of Adeline Mallet Intra-flagellar transport: construction and movement of trains in the flagellum of the trypanosome. Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD Thesis Defense: “Dissecting the Impact of Cellular Senescence on Muscle Regeneration” – Coralie Cazin

Bâtiment: Monod building – Salle: Amphi Agnes Ullmann, -1 level, Monod building – Adresse: 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2020-10-01 14:00:00 2020-10-01 05:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis Defense: “Dissecting the Impact of Cellular Senescence on Muscle Regeneration” ZOOM CONNECTION LINK: Meeting ID: 879 3699 7511 Passcode: 180927 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD Thesis Defense: “Targeted Epigenetic Modification via Repurposed CRISPR/Cas9 System and Its Impact on Alternative Splicing Modulation.”

Bâtiment: Monod – Salle: Bât. Monod, 7ème étage, salle 2 (limité à 12 personnes). – Adresse: 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2020-09-29 14:00:00 2020-09-29 16:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis Defense: “Targeted Epigenetic Modification via Repurposed CRISPR/Cas9 System and Its Impact on Alternative Splicing Modulation.” => Videoconference details coming soon     25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD Thesis Defense: “Argonaute slicer activity is required for maternal mRNA clearance in C. elegans embryos.” – Piergiuseppe Quarato

Bâtiment: Monod building – Salle: Amphi Agnes Ullmann, -1 level, Monod building – Adresse: 25 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France
2020-09-17 14:30:00 2020-09-17 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis Defense: “Argonaute slicer activity is required for maternal mRNA clearance in C. elegans embryos.” => Videoconference details below Soutenance de Thèse de Doctorat     Sorbonne Université – Ecole Doctorale “Complexité du vivant” Piergiuseppe QUARATO Unité Méchanismes de l’Hérédité Epigénétique “Argonaute slicer activity is required for maternal mRNA clearance […] 25 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France

“Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture”

Bâtiment: Duclaux – Salle: Salle Duclaux – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2020-09-16 14:00:00 2020-09-16 17:00:00 Europe/Paris “Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture” Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Soutenance de thèse de doctorat  Laura Piel Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation  “Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture“ 16 […] 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

PhD Thesis defense Laura PIEL – 16 september 2020 at 2PM: “Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture”

Bâtiment: Duclaux – Salle: Salle DUCLAUX 2ème étage – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2020-09-16 14:00:00 2020-09-16 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis defense Laura PIEL – 16 september 2020 at 2PM: “Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture” DÉpartement des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Soutenance de thèse de doctorat  Laura Piel Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation  “Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture“ 16 […] Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD Thesis Defense in Virology Department : “Potential of the mosquito Aedes malayensis as an arbovirus vector in South East Asia” with Elliott Miot

Bâtiment: Bâtiment François Jacob – Salle: Auditorium Centre François Jacob – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-12-20 14:00:00 2019-12-20 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis Defense in Virology Department : “Potential of the mosquito Aedes malayensis as an arbovirus vector in South East Asia” with Elliott Miot DEPARTEMENT DE VIROLOGIE Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Sorbonne Université Ecole Doctorale «Complexité du vivant» (515)   Elliott MIOT Unité Interactions Virus-Insectes & Medical Entomology and Vector-Borne Disease Unit, Institut Pasteur du Laos   […] 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

PhD thesis defense Morgane Grand

Bâtiment: 22 – Adresse: 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-12-16 14:00:00 2019-12-16 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD thesis defense Morgane Grand Implication de l’inflammation hépatique chronique dans le développement de l’immunité contre les stades pré-érythrocytaires de Plasmodium berghei. 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

Thesis defense: Borja Rodriguez de Francisco – “Self-assembly into functional amyloids of Aspergillus fumigatus hydrophobins”

Bâtiment: François Jacob – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-12-13 10:00:00 2019-12-13 15:00:00 Europe/Paris Thesis defense: Borja Rodriguez de Francisco – “Self-assembly into functional amyloids of Aspergillus fumigatus hydrophobins” THESIS DEFENSE UPMC – Ecole Doctorale “Complexité du Vivant » (CdV – ED 515)   Friday 13 December 2019 at 10:00 am (Auditorium C. F. JACOB – Groundfloor 17c)   Borja RODRIGUEZ DE FRANCIS Plateforme […] 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

Thèse Laura Ortega-Varga: 9 december 2019 at 14h00 in Lwoff (14) – Laura Ortega Varga

Bâtiment: Lwoff – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-12-09 14:00:00 2019-12-09 21:00:00 Europe/Paris Thèse Laura Ortega-Varga: 9 december 2019 at 14h00 in Lwoff (14) S o u t e n a n c e  de  T h è s e UPMC – Ecole Doctorale “Complexité du Vivant » (CdV – ED 515) Lundi 09 Décembre 2019  à 14h00 (Salle […] 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

PhD Thesis Defense in virology department : “Development of broad-spectrum antivirals against rabies virus and other negative-RNA viruses” by Sabrina Kali

Bâtiment: Bâtiment Duclaux – Adresse: 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-12-06 14:00:00 2019-12-06 18:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Thesis Defense in virology department : “Development of broad-spectrum antivirals against rabies virus and other negative-RNA viruses” by Sabrina Kali Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Sorbonne Université Ecole Doctorale 515 – Complexité du vivant Sabrina KALI Unité des Stratégies Antivirales “Development of broad-spectrum antivirals against rabies virus and other negative-RNA viruses” Vendredi 6 Décembre […] 28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

PhD Defense Thesis in Virology department : “Interactions between the insect-specific flavivirus CFAV, its mosquito host Aedes aegypti, and co-infecting arboviruses” with Artem BAIDALIUK

Bâtiment: Bâtiment Duclaux – Adresse: 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2019-11-29 14:00:00 2019-11-29 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Defense Thesis in Virology department : “Interactions between the insect-specific flavivirus CFAV, its mosquito host Aedes aegypti, and co-infecting arboviruses” with Artem BAIDALIUK Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Sorbonne Université Ecole Doctorale Complexité du Vivant (515)   Artem BAIDALIUK Unité Interactions Virus-Insectes “Interactions between the insect-specific flavivirus CFAV, its mosquito host Aedes aegypti, and co-infecting arboviruses” Vendredi […] 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

DPT NEUROSCIENCE – Thesis defence : Mariano GENERA – Structural and functional study of the human phosphatase PTPN3 and its interaction with oncogenic viruses.

Bâtiment: Jacques Monod – Adresse: 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-11-27 14:00:00 2019-11-27 17:00:00 Europe/Paris DPT NEUROSCIENCE – Thesis defence : Mariano GENERA – Structural and functional study of the human phosphatase PTPN3 and its interaction with oncogenic viruses. Directeur de thèse : Nicolas WOLFF 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France

PhD defense – Clonally variant non-coding RNA family and its role in Plasmodium falciparum antigenic variation.

Bâtiment: Monod – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2019-10-25 14:00:00 2019-10-25 17:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD defense – Clonally variant non-coding RNA family and its role in Plasmodium falciparum antigenic variation. Antigenic variation is an immune evasion mechanism used by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to establish prolonged infection. It prevents parasite clearance by switching the display of variant surface antigens encoded by the 60-member […] Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

Thesis Defense: “Mechanism of oriented cell division underlying cardiac chamber expansion” – DANIEL DARBY

Bâtiment: Institut Imagine – Adresse: 24 Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, France
2019-10-18 13:30:00 2019-10-18 15:30:00 Europe/Paris Thesis Defense: “Mechanism of oriented cell division underlying cardiac chamber expansion” – DANIEL DARBY 24 Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, France

PhD Defense – DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in Plasmodium falciparum: a potential new target for novel drug discovery.

Bâtiment: Monod – Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2019-10-17 09:30:00 2019-10-17 00:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD Defense – DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in Plasmodium falciparum: a potential new target for novel drug discovery. Abstract DNA cytosine methylation (5mC) is a very well established epigenetic mark in higher eukaryotes controlling gene expression and playing a key role in a wide range of biological processes such as genomic imprinting […] Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

PhD defense of Alexis Voegele: Study of the translocation mechanism of the CyaA toxin from Bordetella pertussis

Bâtiment: J. Monod – Adresse: 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
2019-10-10 14:00:00 2019-10-10 18:00:00 Europe/Paris PhD defense of Alexis Voegele: Study of the translocation mechanism of the CyaA toxin from Bordetella pertussis If you come from outside Institut Pasteur, do not forget your ID card to get a badge at the welcome gate 25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris, France
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