Past News


The Global Health Department conducts interdisciplinary research,  addressing public health issues and challenges, in a global context.


Our research activities range from basic science to clinical studies, developing a One Health approach to understand interactions between human, animal, and environmental health.  In particular, the department focuses on aspects of antimicrobial resistance and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, covering multiple and complementary fields such as:  microbial diversity, infectious disease epidemiology and modelling, transmission dynamics, host-pathogen interactions, host-immune response, vaccinology, and resistance to therapeutics.


The department is strongly involved in national and worldwide microbiological surveillance alongside with its nine associated Reference Centers (CNRs), WHO Collaborating Centers (WHOCCs) and  national or international organizations such as Santé Publique France (SpF), ECDC, WHO, and the OIE-World Organisation for Animal health. We strengthen Institut Pasteur’s worldwide initiatives, working in close collaboration with the 33 Institut Pasteur around the world. Also, our laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats, (CIBU) can deploy skilled teams into the field, to combat abroad epidemics, as doing so during the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic in West Africa,  the October 2017 Plague epidemic in Madagascar; and most recently during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Associated teams

Reference Centers (NRC & WHOCC)



Featured Publications
