Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that interact with surfaces, and are known to display unique properties that differentiate them from free-floating, individual microorganisms. While biofilms are widespread and play many positive roles in all environments, they are also difficult to eradicate when adhered to surfaces in medical and industrial settings.
We use genetics, genomics, molecular biology, and various in vitro and in vivo biofilm models to better understand biofilm-associated functions used by commensal and pathogenic bacteria. We also attempt to translate our fundamental approaches into relevant anti-biofilm strategies in collaboration with clinicians and industrial partners.
Louis Dorison’s PhD thesis defense. September 19th 20
Sol Vendrell Fernandez’ PhD thesis defense 26th September 2024

Vendrell-Fernandez S, Beamud-Aranguren B, Abou-Haydar Y, De Sousa AM J, Burlaud-Gaillard J, Kornobis E, Raynal B, Bikard D*,Ghigo JM* (2025) Lytic cycle of a widespread Bacteroides bacteriophage leads to the formation of defective viral particles. PLoS Biology, in press
Chekli Y, Thiriet-Rupert S, Caillet C, Quilès F, Le Cordier H, Deshayes E, Bardiaux B, Pédron T, Titecat M, Debarbieux L, Ghigo JM, Francius G, Duval JFL, Beloin C (2024) Biophysical insights into sugar-dependent medium acidification promoting YfaL protein-mediated Escherichia coli self-aggregation, biofilm formation and acid stress resistance. Nanoscale, Sep 3. doi: 10.1039/d4nr01884b
Dorison L, Béchon N, Martin-Gallausiaux C, Chamorro Rodriguez S, Vitrenko Y, Ouazahrou R, Villa R, Deschamps J, Briandet R, Gribaldo S, Ghigo JM, Beloin C (2024) Identification of V. parvula and S. gordonii adhesins mediating co-aggregation and its impact on physiology and mixed biofilm structure. mBio, Decembre 11;15(12): e0217124. doi: 10.1128/mbio.02171-24. Epub 2024 Nov 11.
Lopes AA, Vendrell-Fernandez S, Deschamps J, Georgeault S, Cokelaer T, Briandet R, Ghigo JM (2024) Bile-induced biofilm formation in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron requires magnesium efflux by an RND pump. mBio,May 8;15(5):e0348823. doi: 10.1128/mbio.03488-23.