The Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Unit was founded on July 1st, 2001. Its mandate was to develop its own research agenda in the field of infectious diseases epidemiology, and to provide expertise in epidemiology and biostatistics to other laboratories. Based on the potential for collaborations with the international network of Institut Pasteur, and on our past experience in international health, we decided to focus on the epidemiology of infectious and tropical diseases in resource-limited countries. Each researcher has its own field of expertise: Arnaud Fontanet in analytical epidemiology (cohort and case-control studies), Muriel Vray in the methodology of clinical trials, Michel Garenne in demography, Tamara Giles-Vernick in social sciences, and Romulus Breban in mathematical modeling. Main projects include hepatitis C in Egypt (see, children diarrhea in Central African Republic, Buruli ulcer in Cameroun, acute encephalitis in Vietnam, bacterial meningitis in Niger, and emerging viruses (MERS-CoV). Emphasis has been put in clinical research, i.e., cohort studies and clinical trials. In addition, three staff members, Yoann Madec, Laura Tondeur and Laura Schaeffer provide transversal support to all projects of the unit in biostatistics and data management. We also offer expertise in the area of epidemiology and biostatistics to other research units of the institute and organize epidemiology and biostatistics courses for the Epidemiology and Public Health Pole of the Institut Pasteur Teaching Centre. These courses make the “infectious diseases risk” specialization of the Pasteur/CNAM School of Public Health.
Former Members
Cours Pasteur Analyse de données avec Stata (3 sessions)
Ce cours fait partie d’un parcours de formation du Master Specialisé en Santé Publique de l’Ecole Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP. Le cours est composé de trois cours d’une semaine pouvant être suivis indépendamment, et présente les principes […]
Cours Pasteur Initiation au logiciel R
Le cours “Initiation à R” a pour objectif d’introduire le langage de programmation R, en se concentrant notamment sur l’importation, la manipulation et l’exportation des données. Il couvre également la description des données à […]
Cours Pasteur Méthodologies des essais cliniques
Cet enseignement d’une semaine est destiné à tous les professionnels de la santé et couvre divers aspects méthodologiques et théoriques des essais cliniques. Pour en savoir plus et consulter le programme, veuillez visiter la […]
MOOC Essais cliniques dans les maladies infectieuses et tropicales
Ce MOOC aborde les bases théoriques et pratiques de la recherche clinique et présente des exemples d’essais cliniques menés dans des pays à ressources limitées. >>S’inscrire ici << L’objectif général de ce MOOC est […]
MOOC Modeling of Infectious Diseases
In this online MOOC you will learn a basic, yet very general approach to mathematical modeling of infectious disease dynamics. >>Register here << We live in a highly interconnected world, where infectious diseases find […]
Transversal Project
2025Factors associated with the transmission of the delta SARS-CoV-2 variant in households: the Israeli COVID-19 Family Study (ICoFS)., J Infect Dis 2025 Feb; (): .
2024Broad range molecular detection methods identify only Borrelia spp. in erythema migrans biopsies and blood of tick-bitten patients., One Health 2024 Dec; 19(): 100886.
2024The Peculiar Emergence of Mpox (Monkeypox): Directions for the Search for the Natural Reservoir and Vaccination Strategies., Vaccines (Basel) 2024 Oct; 12(10): .
2024Levels and functionality of Pacific Islanders’ hybrid humoral immune response to BNT162b2 vaccination and delta/omicron infection: A cohort study in New Caledonia., PLoS Med 2024 Sep; 21(9): e1004397.
2024Costs of integrating hepatitis B screening and antiviral prophylaxis into routine antenatal care in Burkina Faso: Treat all versus targeted strategies., Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2024 Jul; 166(1): 44-61.
2024The HEPSANET score to assess treatment eligibility of chronic hepatitis B in Africa – Authors’ reply., Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024 Jul; 9(7): 589-590.
2024A systematic review and meta-analysis of the risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) resistance in people treated with entecavir or tenofovir., J Clin Virol 2024 Jun; 174(): 105711.
2024TREAT-B or Treat All: time for a broader vision on hepatitis B elimination – Author’s reply., Lancet Glob Health 2024 Jun; 12(6): e917.
2024Assessment of fever screening at airports in detecting domestic passengers infected with SARS-CoV-2, 2020-2022, Okinawa prefecture, Japan., BMC Infect Dis 2024 May; 24(1): 542.
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