Bacterial diseases [173]
Surveillance et étude des maladies au retour de voyage dans le cadre du réseau GeoSentinel
Paul-Henri Consigny • Oula Itani
Problèmes de santé chez les travailleurs humanitaires
Paul-Henri Consigny • Ghania Benabdelmoumen
Camille Schneider
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Camille Schneider has joined Institut Pasteur in November 2023 as a full-time PhD student. She is currently working on the development of tools for the analysis of bacterial outbreaks in humans by combining mathematical modelling, […]
Guillem Mas Fiol
Lulla Opatowski
Rita Azevedo
Rita Azevedo joined as a research engineer in 2022 at Matondo’s Proteomics Platform, Mass Spectrometry for Biology Utechs (MSBio), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. She is involved in a conjunct project between Institut Pasteur and […]
Anna Both
Chromatin and Infection
Quentin Leclerc
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Quentin Leclerc is a mathematical modeller in infectious disease epidemiology at Institut Pasteur and CNAM. He is currently studying the potential impact of vaccination to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in healthcare environments, as part […]
Bacterial responses to antimicrobial stress
Zeynep Baharoglu
Daniel Krentzel
Imaging and Modeling
I am a PhD student in the Imaging and Modeling Unit supervised by Christophe Zimmer. My PhD project aims to develop deep learning methods for antibacterial drug discovery. Previously, I studied Biomedical Engineering at […]
Camille Dos Santos-Toinet
Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection
Currently in a work-study program, my M2 research topic concerns the modulation of the immune response to Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Over the past two years, I have been working within the team on the […]
Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory
Pierre Charneau
Cyril Anjou
Group: Isabelle Martin-Verstraete
Federica Palma
Biological Resource Center of Institut Pasteur (CRBIP)
With a PhD on microbial genomics applied to Food Safety at the University of Bologna (Italy), and a post-doc on genomic surveillance of bacterial foodborne pathogens, Federica PALMA specialised in phenotypic and genotypic characterisation […]
Carolina Nodari
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
I have been working on the epidemiology of Gram-negative bacilli, the characterization of their resistance mechanisms, and the evaluation of diagnostic tools for their identification since 2011. Over the years, I was involved in […]