Members [Head Of Structure]
UMR3528 – Structural Molecular Biology and Infectious Process
Marc DelarueHead of Structure -
Bacterial transmembrane systems
Nadia Izadi-PruneyreHead of Structure -
Muriel DelepierreHead of Structure
Epidemiology & macro-evolution of polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses (WHO-CC)
Francis DelpeyrouxHead of Structure -
Immunobiology and Therapy
Caroline DemangelHead of Structure -
U1223 – Pathophysiology of the immune system
James Di SantoHead of Structure -
U1223 – Pathophysiology of the immune system
Ludovic DerianoHead of Structure -
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes
Bruno DupuyHead of Structure -
Stroma, Inflammation and Tissue Repair
Lucie PedutoHead of Structure -
U1224 – Regulation of homeostasis and inflammation by lymphoid cells and microenvironment
Gérard EberlHead of Structure -
Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions
Jost EnningaHead of Structure -
UMR3691 – Physiological and pathological cellular dynamics
Sandrine Etienne-MannevilleHead of Structure -
Bacteriophage, bacterium, host
Laurent DebarbieuxHead of Structure -
Anthropology and Ecology of Disease Emergence
Tamara Giles-VernickHead of Structure -
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Simonetta GribaldoHead of Structure -
Archaeal Virology
Mart KrupovicHead of Structure -
Oncogenic Virus Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
Antoine GessainHead of Structure -
Genetics of Biofilms
Jean-Marc GhigoHead of Structure -
Macrophages and Endothelial Cells
Elisa Gomez PerdigueroHead of Structure -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Ivo Gomperts BonecaHead of Structure