Members [All]
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Tabitha RückerPost-doc -
Zebrafish Neurogenetics
Miguel Martinez HerreraPost-doc -
Pathogen discovery
Lisandru CapaiResearch Engineer -
Cell death and epithelial homeostasis
Antonio Tagua JanezPost-doc -
Viruses of Respiratory Infections (including Influenza and SARS-CoV-2)
Thomas FOULONAdministrative Staff -
Cell Polarity, Migration And Cancer
Anna MorenoUndergraduate Student -
Translational Immunology
Quentin RichierPhD Student -
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes
Thirishika ManivannanResearch Engineer -
Hugo BlanstierMaster Student
Microbial Individuality and Infection
Elodie PauletPost-doc -
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Youn le crasPhD Student -
Hicham Ben HassineProject Manager
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Alice maestriPost-doc -
Evolutionary genomics of RNA viruses
Tatiana BarbarPost-doc -
Evolutionary genomics of RNA viruses
Xin HouPost-doc -
Evolutionary genomics of RNA viruses
Jack CrookPost-doc -
Stroma, Inflammation and Tissue Repair
Rémi BalaguéResearch Engineer -
Biological Image Analysis
Anita AnticMaster Student -
Biodiversity and Epidemiology of Bacterial Pathogens
Armen OVSEPIANPost-doc -
Signaling and receptors dynamics
Chloé ANGOLEMaster Student