Members [Head Of Structure]
Integrative Structural Cell Biology
Ariane BriegelHead of Structure -
Virus and cellular stress
Jean-Pierre VartanianHead of Structure -
Microbiome-Host Interactions
Benoit ChassaingHead of Structure -
Evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases
Sebastian DucheneHead of Structure -
Pathogen discovery
Nolwenn DheillyHead of Structure -
Dendritic cells and adaptive immunity
Pierre GuermonprezHead of Structure -
Molecular diversity of microbes
Aude BernheimHead of Structure -
Machine Learning for integrative genomics
Laura CantiniHead of Structure -
Molecular mechanisms of multiplication of Pneumoviruses M3P
Marie-Anne Rameix-WeltiHead of Structure -
Jong Eun IhmHead of Structure
Hung Thai VanHead of Structure
Neural coding and neuroengineering of human speech functions
Anne-Lise GiraudHead of Structure -
Evolutionary cell biology and evolution of morphogenesis
Thibaut BrunetHead of Structure -
Comparative Functional Genomics
Camille BerthelotHead of Structure -
Brain-immune communication
Aleksandra DeczkowskaHead of Structure -
Fungal Heterogeneity
Iuliana EneHead of Structure -
Microbial Paleogenomics Unit
Nicolás RascovanHead of Structure -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Anna-Bella FaillouxHead of Structure -
Niels VolkmannHead of Structure
Plasmodium Infection and Transmission
Liliana Mancio SilvaHead of Structure