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Département: Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs
Tous Publications
Nedal-Djamil Darif, Markus Ganter, Jerzy Michal Dziekan, Nicole Kilian, Nicolas Brancucci, Caroline Ng, Laura de Vries, David Guttery, Nisha Philip, Justin Boddey, Nahla Galal Metwally, Fredros Okumu, Taco W.A. Kooij, Sabrina Absalon, Jessica Bryant,
BioMalPar XX: looking back on, and forward from, 20 years of malaria research,
BioMalPar XX: biology and pathology of the malaria parasite, Trends in Parasitology, 40 (8), pp.651-656, 2024, ⟨10.1016/⟩.
Isabelle Bouyssou, Sara El Hoss, Cécile Doderer-Lang, Matthieu Schoenhals, Lova Tsikiniaina Rasoloharimanana, Inès Vigan-Womas, Arsène Ratsimbasoa, Andargie Abate, Lemu Golassa, Solenne Mabilotte, Pascal Kessler, Micheline Guillotte-Blisnick, Francisco J Martinez, Chetan E Chitnis, John Strouboulis, Didier Ménard,
Unveiling P. vivax invasion pathways in Duffy-negative individuals,
Cell Host & Microbe, In press, ⟨10.1016/j.chom.2023.11.007⟩.
Selam Mihreteab, Lucien Platon, Araia Berhane, Barbara Stokes, Marian Warsame, Pascal Campagne, Alexis Criscuolo, Laurence Ma, Nathalie Petiot, Cécile Doderer-Lang, Eric Legrand, Kurt Ward, Assefash Zehaie Kassahun, Pascal Ringwald, David Fidock, Didier Ménard,
Increasing Prevalence of Artemisinin-Resistant HRP2-Negative Malaria in Eritrea,
New England Journal of Medicine, 2023, 389 (13), pp.1191-1202. ⟨10.1056/NEJMoa2210956⟩.
Lucien Platon,
Étude de la résistance de Plasmodium falciparum et des phénotypes de dormance induite par l’artémisinine : du patient à la cellule
Study of Plasmodium falciparum resistance and dormancy phenotype induced by artemisinin : from the patient to the cell,
Parasitologie. Sorbonne Université, 2023. Français. ⟨NNT : 2023SORUS054⟩.
Tullu Bukhari, Vishukumar Aimanianda, Emmanuel Bischoff, Emma Brito-Fravallo, Karin Eiglmeier, Michelle Riehle, Kenneth Vernick, Christian Mitri,
Genetics and immunity of Anopheles response to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae overlap with immunity to Plasmodium,
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.6315. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-10190-3⟩.
Paul Palmquist-Gomes, Sigolène Meilhac,
Shaping the mouse heart tube from the second heart field epithelium,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2022, 73, pp.101896. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2021.101896⟩.
Alexis Villars, Romain Levayer,
Collective effects in epithelial cell death and cell extrusion,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2022, 72, pp.8-14. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2021.09.004⟩.
Gaspard Kerner, Etienne Patin, Lluis Quintana-Murci,
New insights into human immunity from ancient genomics,
Current Opinion in Immunology, 2021, 72, pp.116-125. ⟨10.1016/j.coi.2021.04.006⟩.
Clara Moreau, Christopher Rk Ching, Kuldeep Kumar, Sebastien Jacquemont, Carrie Bearden,
Structural and functional brain alterations revealed by neuroimaging in CNV carriers,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2021, 68, pp.88-98. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2021.03.002⟩.
Clara Moreau, Christopher Rk Ching, Kuldeep Kumar, Sebastien Jacquemont, Carrie Bearden,
Structural and functional brain alterations revealed by neuroimaging in CNV carriers,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2021, 68, pp.88-98. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2021.03.002⟩.
Lawrence Wang, Lais Pereira, Yevel Flores-Garcia, James O'Connor, Barbara Flynn, Arne Schön, Nicholas Hurlburt, Marlon Dillon, Annie Yang, Amanda Fabra-García, Azza Idris, Bryan Mayer, Monica Gerber, Raphael Gottardo, Rosemarie Mason, Nicole Cavett, Reid Ballard, Neville Kisalu, Alvaro Molina-Cruz, Jorgen Nelson, Rachel Vistein, Carolina Barillas-Mury, Rogerio Amino, David Baker, Neil King, Robert Sauerwein, Marie Pancera, Ian Cockburn, Fidel Zavala, Joseph Francica, Robert Seder,
A Potent Anti-Malarial Human Monoclonal Antibody Targets Circumsporozoite Protein Minor Repeats and Neutralizes Sporozoites in the Liver,
Immunity, 2020, 53 (4), pp.733-744.e8. ⟨10.1016/j.immuni.2020.08.014⟩.
Darragh Duffy,
Understanding immune variation for improved translational medicine,
Current Opinion in Immunology, 2020, Special Section on Indoles as immune regulators, 65, pp.83-88. ⟨10.1016/j.coi.2020.06.005⟩.
Petter Brodin, Lluis Quintana-Murci,
Editorial overview: Evolutionary and systems immunology – methods to understand human immune system variation,
Current Opinion in Immunology, 2020, 65, ⟨10.1016/j.coi.2020.11.001⟩.
Maty Fofana, Christian Mitri, Diawo Diallo, Brice Rotureau, Cheikh Tidiane Diagne, Alioune Gaye, Yamar Ba, Constentin Dieme, Mawlouth Diallo, Ibrahima Dia,
Possible influence of Plasmodium/Trypanosoma co-infections on the vectorial capacity of Anopheles mosquitoes,
BMC Research Notes, 2020, 13 (1), pp.127. ⟨10.1186/s13104-020-04977-8⟩.
Nadège Gouignard, Floriane Cherrier, Emma Brito-Fravallo, Adrien Pain, Natalia Marta Zmarlak, Katia Cailliau, Corinne Genève, Kenneth D Vernick, Colette Dissous, Christian Mitri,
Dual role of the Anopheles coluzzii Venus Kinase Receptor in both larval growth and immunity.,
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), pp.3615. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-40407-x⟩.
Etienne Patin, Lluis Quintana-Murci,
The demographic and adaptive history of central African hunter-gatherers and farmers,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2018, 53, pp.90-97. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2018.07.008⟩.
Brenna Henn, Lluis Quintana-Murci,
Editorial overview: The history, geography and adaptation of human genes: A tribute to L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2018, 53, pp.iii-v. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2018.11.004⟩.
Aurore L'Honoré, Pierre-Henri Commère, Elisa Negroni, Giorgia Pallafacchina, Bertrand Friguet, Jacques Drouin, Margaret Buckingham, Didier Montarras,
The role of Pitx2 and Pitx3 in muscle stem cells gives new insights into P38α MAP kinase and redox regulation of muscle regeneration,
eLife, 2018, 7, pp.e32991. ⟨10.7554/eLife.32991⟩.
Sarah I Bonnet, Richard E L Paul, Emmanuel Bischoff, Martine Cote, Evelyne Le Naour,
First identification of Rickettsia helvetica in questing ticks from a French Northern Brittany Forest.,
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2017, 11 (3), pp.e0005416. ⟨10.1371/journal.pntd.0005416⟩.
Claire Becker, Laurence Malandrin, Thibaut T. Larcher, Alain Chauvin, Emmanuel Bischoff, Sarah Bonnet,
Validation of BdCCp2 as a marker for Babesia divergens sexual stages in ticks,
Experimental Parasitology, 2013, 133 (1), pp.51-56. ⟨10.1016/j.exppara.2012.10.007⟩.
Johanna Buisson, Nicolas Chenouard, Thibault Lagache, Thierry Blisnick, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Philippe Bastin,
Intraflagellar transport proteins cycle between the flagellum and its base,
Journal of Cell Science, 2013, 126 (1), pp.327-338. ⟨10.1242/jcs.117069⟩.
Christian Mitri, Kenneth D Vernick,
Anopheles gambiae pathogen susceptibility: the intersection of genetics, immunity and ecology.,
Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2012, 15 (3), pp.285--291. ⟨10.1016/j.mib.2012.04.001⟩.
Steven E. Bosinger, Beatrice Jacquelin, Arndt Benecke, Guido Silvestri, Michaela Müller-Trutwin,
Systems biology of natural simian immunodeficiency virus infections,
Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, 2012, 7 (1), pp.71-78. ⟨10.1097/COH.0b013e32834dde01⟩.
C.A.M. Becker, L. Malandrin, Delphine Depoix, T. Larcher, P.H. David, A. Chauvin, E. Bischoff, S. Bonnet,
Identification of three CCp genes in Babesia divergens: Novel markers for sexual stages parasites,
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2010, 174 (1), pp.36-43. ⟨10.1016/j.molbiopara.2010.06.011⟩.
Gérard Eberl, Ivo Gomperts Boneca,
Bacteria and MAMP-induced morphogenesis of the immune system.,
Current Opinion in Immunology, 2010, epub ahead of print. ⟨10.1016/j.coi.2010.06.002⟩.
Ronan Jambou, Axel Martinelli, João Pinto, Simonetta Gribaldo, Eric Legrand, Makhtar Niang, Nimol Kim, Lim Pharath, Béatrice Volnay, Marie Therese Ekala, Christiane Bouchier, Thierry Fandeur, Pedro Berzosa, Agustin Benito, Isabel Dinis Ferreira, Cynthia Ferreira, Pedro Paulo Vieira, Maria das Graças Alecrim, Odile Mercereau-Puijalon, Pedro Cravo,
Geographic structuring of the Plasmodium falciparum sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (PfSERCA) gene diversity.,
PLoS ONE, 2010, 5 (2), pp.e9424. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0009424⟩.
Margaret Buckingham, Stéphane D. Vincent,
Distinct and dynamic myogenic populations in the vertebrate embryo,
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 2009, 19 (5), pp.444-453. ⟨10.1016/j.gde.2009.08.001⟩.
Christian Mitri, Jean-Claude Jacques, Isabelle Thiéry, Michelle M. Riehle, Jiannong Xu, Emmanuel Bischoff, Isabelle Morlais, Sandrine E. Nsango, Kenneth D Vernick, Catherine Bourgouin,
Fine Pathogen Discrimination within the APL1 Gene Family Protects Anopheles gambiae against Human and Rodent Malaria Species,
PLoS Pathogens, 2009, 5 (9), pp.e1000576. ⟨10.1371/journal.ppat.1000576⟩.
Christian Mitri, I. Thiery, Catherine Bourgouin, Richard E. Paul,
Density-dependent impact of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte sex ratio on mosquito infection rates,
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2009, 276 (1673), pp.3721-3726. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2009.0962⟩.
C Lavazec, C Boudin, R Lacroix, Sarah Bonnet, A Diop, S Thiberge, B Boisson, R Tahar, C Bourgouin,
Carboxypeptidases B of Anopheles gambiae as Targets for a Plasmodium falciparum Transmission-Blocking Vaccine,
Infection and Immunity, 2007, 75 (4), pp.1635 - 1642. ⟨10.1128/iai.00864-06⟩.
C Lavazec, Sarah Bonnet, I Thiery, B Boisson, C Bourgouin,
cpbAg1 encodes an active carboxypeptidase B expressed in the midgut of Anopheles gambiae,
Insect Molecular Biology, 2005, 14 (2), pp.163 - 174. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2583.2004.00541.x⟩.