Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 1684263
Acta Trop. 1991 Sep;49(4):293-304
The genomic polymorphism of Plasmodium falciparum was investigated in a series of samples collected in Senegal during one transmission season. PCR analysis was performed on several genes coding for blood-stage antigens: the gene for the major merozoite surface antigen P190, the gene for the second merozoite surface antigen MSA2 and the gene coding for antigen 96tR/GBP130. In each case, several distinct forms of the genes studied were observed. Both the MAD20 and K1 allelic families of P190 genes were observed. PCR analysis of a single variable region did not differentiate each isolate. However, when the data obtained for several markers are combined, each isolate had a specific genotype. Thus, using PCR to study in parallel several loci is a useful tool to genetically type strains.