
Le programme de biologie quantitative de l’Institut Pasteur est destiné à faciliter la recherche et l’éducation à l’interface entre la biologie et les sciences plus quantitatives. L’un des principaux objectifs de la biologie quantitative est donc de comprendre les principes sous-jacents de comportements biologiques complexes en termes de modèles physiques et mathématiques. Cette approche englobe tous les domaines de la biologie.


L’initiative a organisé depuis 2016 huit symposiums internationaux couvrant des questions transversales (ex : l’impact des forces sur les systèmes biologiques, réseaux en neurobiologie, la physique des membranes, biologie quantitative des bactéries, changements d’échelles et comportements collectifs, physique du cancer, mécanique évolution et développement…). Nous avons par ailleurs organisé de 2021 à 2024 des séminaires internes mensuels interactifs permettant la présentation de résultats préliminaires et leur discussions.

Depuis 2024, l’initiative Qbio organise des minisymposiums thématiques bi-mensuels regroupant des séminaires internes à l’institut et un(e) invité(e) externe. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour obtenir des informations sur nos prochains évènements.


Qbio Symposia

• October 17th 2016: “Kick off meeting” of the Qbio program (Guillaume Duménil, Sven van Teeffelen)
• June 9th 2017: “Forces in Biology” (Romain Levayer, Nicolas Dray, Sandrine Etienne-Manneville, Patrick England, Alexandre Dufour).
• May 25th 2018: “Physics of Biological Membranes” (Thomas Wollert (IP), Patricia Bassereau (Curie))
• October 11-12 2018: Neural networks – from machines to brains (David Di Gregorio, JB Masson, and Christoph Schmidt-Hieber (IP), Rémi Monasson (ENS))
• January 2019: Quantitative cell biology of bacteria (Guillaume Duménil, Sven van Teeffelen)
• June 2021: “Bridging the scales, from single cells, to populations, tissues and organs”  (Charles Baroud, Romain Levayer)
• October 2021: The physics of cancer” (Sandrine Etienne-Manneville, Romain Levayer, jointly with the Cancer intiative)
• December 2022: “MeMoDEvo: Mechanics, Morphogenesis, Development and Evolution” (Thibaut Brunet, Romain Levayer, Katja Heuer and Roberto Toro)



Biologie quantitative à l'Institut Pasteur

Many Pasteur laboratories are integrating physical approaches in their studies ranging from structural biology, via cell biology, to infection, neurobiology  and development.
• Multiscale self-organization is studied at the level of protein machineries in bacteria,  cytoskeleton during the migration of eucaryotic cells and organizaton of tissues during development.
• Cellular and tissue mechanics are explored during bacterial aggregation,  grastrulation and heart development as well as during amoebae movement.
• Information processing and signaling are studied in the context of neurobiology, 3D genome architecture, transciption and cell decision making.


The Quantitative Biology program aims to encourage these developments on campus. The major purpose of this program is:
• To foster interactions between scientists involved in Quantitative Biology at Institut Pasteur through seminars and mini-symposiums.
• To bring quantitatively trained scientists into biology
• To encourage biologists to integrate quantitative models into their research

Qbio progress reports:

The Qbio programm organise monthly progress reports where early career scientists (PhD, postdoc) present ongoing projects at the interface between biology, physics and/or mathematics in an informal setting.  The primary aim is to foster interactions on the campus. The meetings currently take place online and on site on Thursdays at 2pm every month. Contact the organisers if you would like to join.

Images & Médias