Ultrastructural microscopy [82]
FURTHEST: Unraveling the Foamy Virus interactions with the host: insights into the molecular mechanisms of entry and neutralization
Florence Buseyne
MicroVesi (ANR-22-CE35-0014)- Uncovering the functional role of microbial extracellular vesicles in the emergence of antibiotic resistance
Julia Bos
Giovanna Barba-Spaeth
Johannes Groen
NanoImaging Core
PostDoc at the NanoImaging Core Facility, working closely together with the Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interaction group, with a strong interest in (correlative) microscopy, especially CLEM and CLXM.
Kennedy Bonjour de Oliveira Ferreira
Membrane Biochemistry and Transport
I have been a particular curiosity about how I can get more details about inside cells. For many years, I have been gathering many data about What happens inner cells when they start to […]
Cyril Scandola
Ultrastructural BioImaging
Research engineer PhD on blood platelets formation within the bone marrow (PI: Dr Anita ECKLY-MICHEL, EFS, INSERM, University of Strasbourg) Master in life science, pathophysiology (University of Strasbourg) TEM & SEM, CLEM, Electron tomography, […]
Evolutionary cell biology and evolution of morphogenesis
Thibaut Brunet
Daniele Campisi
Membrane Biochemistry and Transport
English PostDoc, studying membrane trafficking and autophagy and in particular the early events leading omegasome biogenesis. Approaches: Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM) on resin sections for conventional EM, immunoCLEM on Tokuyasu cryo-sections, confocal microscopy, […]
Compact electronic microscope (SEM) • Hitachi • SU1510
Hearing Institute Bioimaging Core FacilityHearing Institute Bioimaging Core Facility
Maia Brunstein
Tiziano Vignolini
Parasite RNA Biology
Advanced Light Microscopy initiative
The Advanced Light Microscopy initiative (ALM) is federating the community of optics developers of the Institut Pasteur (Paris). The group of optics developers is composed of scientists who are involved in cutting-edge microscopy developments, […]
Leonardo Betancurt
DNA replication group
I currently work at the “Architecture and dynamics of biological macromolecules” lab at Pasteur Institute. We use molecular biology and biochemical tools to study the shape and function of polymerases.
Basile Beaud
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Basile is PhD student funded by the Doctoral school BioSPC. His project focuses on the biogenesis of the outer membrane in diderm Terrabacteria.