Recombination [56]
Dynamics of the Genome
Benoit Arcangioli
Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics
Roland Brosch
Bacterial Genome Plasticity
Didier Mazel
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Eduardo Rocha
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Christophe D’Enfert
Serge Gangloff
Dynamics of the Genome
Benoit Arcangioli
Dynamics of the Genome
Roland Brosch
Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics
Roland Brosch obtained his PhD at the University of Salzburg in Austria and after some years of postdoctoral training at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and the Institut Pasteur in Paris, he integrated […]
Carmen Buchrieser
Biology Of Intracellular Bacteria
Christophe D’Enfert
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Dr. Christophe d’Enfert is a Professor at Institut Pasteur and the Head of the Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity Unit at Institut Pasteur. Dr. d’Enfert gained his PhD at Institut Pasteur working on protein secretion […]
Mélanie Legrand
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Mélanie Legrand is a permanent scientist in the Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity Unit. Mélanie Legrand has gained her Master degree at the University of Minnesota working on mating in the human fungal pathogens Candida […]
Adeline Feri
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Francis Delpeyroux
Epidemiology & macro-evolution of polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses (WHO-CC)
Wei Yu
Wei Yu is utilizing next-generation sequencing technology to reveal the role of key repair factors in V(D)J recombination and translocation formation