Aspergillus fumigatus [21]
Sarah Dellière
Immunobiology of Aspergillus
Since November 2019, I am a part-time clinical microbiologist (MD) specialized in mycology and parasitology at Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris and a part-time PhD student in the molecular mycology Unit of the Pasteur Institute under […]
Borja Rodríguez de Francisco
Structural Bioinformatics
Julien Fernandes
Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)
Vishu Kumar Aimanianda Bopaiah
Group: Biochemistry and chemobiology
Hélène Munier-Lehmann
Stéphane Bretagne
Stéphane Bretagne is Professor of Medicine at Paris Diderot University, chair of Parasitology and Mycology. He is head of the Parasitology-Mycology laboratories of the Saint Louis University Hospital and Deputy Director of the French […]
Rémi Beau
Rémi is our deputy scientific manager of the P3 laboratory, so he is in charge of training all newcomers on the functioning of the laboratory. He also ensures that there are always the required […]
Immunology of Fungal Infections
Jessica Quintin
Structural Bioinformatics
Michael Nilges
Jean-Marc Cavaillon
Jean-Marc Cavaillon is honorary professor of Institut Pasteur where he made his whole career after his post-doctoral training at the University of Toronto (Canada). He has been head of a research Unit “Cytokines & […]
Muriel Delepierre
Iñaki Guijarro
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Iñaki Guijarro is a structural biologist interested in the interactions, structure, dynamics and inter-conversions of proteins (amyloid formation, protein folding and misfolding). His main expertise is in NMR, a technique that he has used […]
Alexandre Alanio
Translational Mycology
Dr Alexandre Alanio is an M.D., Ph.D., expert in medical mycology and medical parasitology. He is currently Associate Professor in Paris VII University (Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, France), Permanent Researcher in the molecular mycology unit […]
Thierry Fontaine
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Vishu Kumar Aimanianda Bopaiah
Immunobiology of Aspergillus
Vishukumar Aimanianda received his Ph.D. from Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore University, India. He joined Pasteur Instiute in 2007, obtained faculty position as Assistant – Charge de recherche in 2010 and currently holding […]