Members [All]
Insect-Virus Interactions
Stéphanie DaboResearch Engineer -
Group: Carbohydrates and Bioconjugates
Laurence MulardHead of Structure -
Chemistry of Biomolecules
Sylvie BayGroup Leader -
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Nicolas HuotPermanent Researcher -
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Michaela Muller-TrutwinHead of Structure -
Chemistry of Biomolecules
Yves-Marie CoicResearch Engineer -
Philippe ClercPermanent Researcher
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Nicola FestucciaPermanent Researcher -
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Pablo Navarro GilHead of Structure -
Viral reservoirs and immune control
Asier Sáez-CiriónHead of Structure -
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Béatrice JacquelinResearch Engineer -
Group: Dynamics & Drug Design
Arnaud BlondelGroup Leader -
Structural Bioinformatics
Guillaume BouvierPermanent Researcher -
Caroline Pereira Bittencourt PassaesResearch Engineer
Integrative Structural Cell Biology
Quang Tru HuynhAdministrative Staff -
Bacterial transmembrane systems
Benjamin BardiauxPermanent Researcher -
Functional dynamics
Thérèse MalliavinGroup Leader -
Structural Microbiology
Edouard YeramianPermanent Researcher -
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Victor HeurtierPhD Student -
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Agnès DuboisResearch Engineer