Members [All]
Biological Image Analysis
Vannary Meas-Yedid HardyResearch Engineer -
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Sandrine Vandormael-PourninResearch Engineer -
Sandra PellegriniHead of Structure
Frédérique MichelGroup Leader
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Leonard JarzebowskiPhD Student -
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Aurélien RaveuxPhD Student -
Mouse Genetics
Xavier MontagutelliHead of Structure -
Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
Aziz El AmraouiHead of Structure -
Auditory Therapies Innovation Lab
Virginie Wong Jun TaiResearch Engineer -
Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness
Saaid SafieddinePermanent Researcher -
Interactomics, RNA and immunity
Françoise Vuilliermember -
Human Evolutionary Genetics
Zhi LiResearch Engineer -
Cell Polarity, Migration And Cancer
Isabelle PerfettiniResearch Engineer -
Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
Sedigheh DelmaghaniPermanent Researcher -
Cochlear development and therapeutic perspectives
Jacques Boutet De MonvelResearch Engineer -
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
Elisabeth VerpyPermanent Researcher -
Auditory Therapies Innovation Lab
Andrea LelliPost-doc -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Nicolas MichalskiPermanent Researcher -
UMR3525 CNRS/Institut Pasteur – Genetics of genomes
Eduardo RochaHead of Structure -
Leptospira adaptation to oxidative stress
Nadia BenaroudjPermanent Researcher