Members [Group Leader]
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Nienke BuddelmeijerGroup Leader -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Catherine WertsGroup Leader -
Dynamic Regulation of Morphogenesis
Jérôme GrosHead of Structure -
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Bich-Tram HuynhGroup Leader -
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Laurence WatierGroup Leader -
Group: Response to Infection in the Whole Organism
Jean-Pierre LevraudGroup Leader -
Group: Translation dependent mRNA degradation
Cosmin SaveanuGroup Leader -
Micheline Fromont-RacineGroup Leader
Spatial Regulation of Genomes
Romain KoszulHead of Structure -
Alexandre ChenalGroup Leader -
Group : Actin-activated nucleotidyl cyclases
Undine MecholdGroup Leader -
Vishu Kumar Aimanianda BopaiahGroup Leader
Group : Valérie Choumet
Valérie ChoumetGroup Leader -
Design for Biology
Deshmukh GopaulHead of Structure -
Bacterial responses to antimicrobial stress
Zeynep BaharogluGroup Leader -
Adaptive dynamics of integrons
Céline LootGroup Leader -
Human Developmental Genetics
Anu BashambooGroup Leader -
Heart Morphogenesis
Sigolène MeilhacHead of Structure -
Biology of Malaria targets and Antimalarials
Jean-Christophe BaraleGroup Leader -
Chemistry of Biomolecules
Sylvie BayGroup Leader