Members [Permanent Researcher]
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Pascal PineauPermanent Researcher -
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Florence CordierPermanent Researcher -
Bacterial transmembrane systems
Nadia Izadi-PruneyreHead of Structure -
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Jack Christophe CossecPermanent Researcher -
DNA replication group
Ludovic SauguetPermanent Researcher -
Signalling and Molecular interactions
Nicolas WolffGroup Leader -
Design for Biology
Alphonse GarciaPermanent Researcher -
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Iñaki GuijarroHead of Facility -
Humoral Immunology
Célia Caillet-SaguyPermanent Researcher -
Signalling and Molecular interactions
Alain ChaffottePermanent Researcher -
Laure Guenin-MacePermanent Researcher -
Immunobiology and Therapy
Caroline DemangelHead of Structure -
U1223 – Pathophysiology of the immune system
James Di SantoHead of Structure -
U1223 – Pathophysiology of the immune system
Ludovic DerianoHead of Structure -
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer
Chloé LescalePermanent Researcher -
Group: Humanized mice for infectious disease modeling
Hélène Strick-MarchandGroup Leader -
Group: NK cell and ILC1 Biology
Christian VosshenrichGroup Leader -
Innate Immunity
Nicolas SerafiniPermanent Researcher -
Signaling and receptors dynamics
Gaël MoneronPermanent Researcher -
Translational Mycology
Alexandre AlanioPermanent Researcher