Members [Permanent Researcher]
Translational Mycology
Olivier LortholaryDeputy Director of National Reference Center -
Biomics – Support-Lab
Marc MonotHead of Facility -
Group: Isabelle Martin-Verstraete
Isabelle Martin-VerstraeteGroup Leader -
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes
Bruno DupuyHead of Structure -
U1224 – Regulation of homeostasis and inflammation by lymphoid cells and microenvironment
Gérard EberlHead of Structure -
Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions
Jost EnningaHead of Structure -
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Stéphane FremontPermanent Researcher -
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Neetu Gupta-RossiGroup Leader -
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Franck CoumailleauPermanent Researcher -
Cell Polarity, Migration And Cancer
Batiste BoedaPermanent Researcher -
Cell Polarity, Migration And Cancer
Sandrine Etienne-MannevilleHead of Structure -
Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases
Claire RekacewiczPermanent Researcher -
Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases
Muriel VrayGroup Leader -
Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases
Romulus BrebanPermanent Researcher -
Bacteriophage, bacterium, host
Laurent DebarbieuxHead of Structure -
Elimination of viral hepatitis
Yusuke ShimakawaGroup Leader -
Pierre BeguinPermanent Researcher
Anthropology and Ecology of Disease Emergence
Tamara Giles-VernickHead of Structure -
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Simonetta GribaldoHead of Structure -
David PrangishviliGroup Leader