LIMS [23]

Metagenomics for Pathogen Detection
Valérie Caro

Mariano Martinez
Bacterial Cell Cycle Mechanisms
I obtained a BSc degree in Biotechnology in 2003 at the National University of Quilmes (UNQ, Argentina). Then I joined the group of Dr. Diego De Mendoza in the Molecular and Cell Biology Institute […]

Chantal Bizet

Pôle d’Identification Virale (PIV)
Jessica Vanhomwegen

Pôle de Génotypage des Pathogènes (PGP)
Valérie Caro

UTechS Single Cell Biomarkers
Milena Hasan

Inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase
Hélène Munier-Lehmann

Investigation and volunteers for human health
Hélène Laude

Group: Biochemistry and chemobiology
Hélène Munier-Lehmann

LabEx Milieu Intérieur
The Milieu Intérieur project provides insight into the core of human diversity by dissecting the interplay between genetics and environment and their impact on the immune system. The Milieu Intérieur Project While the immune […]

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager

Nicole Corre-Catelin
Nicole Corre-Catelin manages various clinical research projects, particularly those relating to the identification of new pathogens in cohorts of patients with diseases of unknown origins possibly with vectorial transmission. For these missions, she cares […]

Catherine Ottone
Investigation and volunteers for human health

Olivia Doppelt-Azeroual
Expertise group : WINTER – Web integration
ONGOING PROJECTS Galaxy administration/Maintenance (https://galaxy.web.pasteur.fr) Bioweb: Future directory of bioinformatics resources at the Institut Pasteur ELIXIR Registry SKILLS Galaxy: administration, API/Bioblend expertise Programming: Python, Javascript, Lua, R, Development tools: GIT, Subversion, Emacs Database: NoSQL […]