High Throughput Screening [64]

Sadri Znaidi
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Dr. Sadri ZNAIDI is a biochemist (B.Sc., M.Sc. from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada) and molecular biologist (Ph.D., from the University of Montreal, Canada), with expertise in yeast genetics and functional genomics. He is […]

Célia Caillet-Saguy
Humoral Immunology
I obtained a position as a researcher at the Institut Pasteur in 2014 by proposing a project on the subversion by viruses of signalling pathways involving PDZ-containing proteins. My current research is now part […]

Carmen Mirabelli

Marc Lecuit
Biology of infection
Marc Lecuit, MD, PhD, is a microbiologist and an infectious diseases physician. He is the Director of the Biology of Infection Unit at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm (U1117) and of the Listeria National […]

Jean-Christophe Barale
Biology of Malaria targets and Antimalarials

Hélène Munier-Lehmann
Group: Biochemistry and chemobiology
My research interests are mainly focused on the structure-function relationships of macromolecules through multidisciplinary approaches. My studies have been concentrated on crucial enzymes belonging to the nucleotide metabolism, in particular nucleoside monophosphate kinases (NMPKs) […]

Nathalie Sauvonnet
Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Intracellular traffic and cell compartmentalization Eukaryotic cells contain extensive internal membranes defining many compartments having each specific functions. However these organelles are constantly moving and reshaping, still retaining their identity. The maintenance of cell […]

Gérald Spaeth
U1201 – Genetic and molecular basis of host-parasite interactions
Dr. Gerald Späth currently holds a Research Director position at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, where he directs the Unit ‘Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation’ (12 members) and the Department ‘Parasites and Insect Vectors’ (ca. […]

Najma Rachidi
Signalling and host-parasite interactions
Dr. Najma Rachidi is a senior Researcher and the leader of the molecular parasitology team in the PARSIG unit. Her team investigates Host-pathogen interactions to (i) understand how Leishmania survives in immune cells, which […]

Hugo Varet
Expertise group : SysBio – System Bioinformatics
Hugo Varet is a biostatistician engineer from the Ensai (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information) and has been recruited in 2013 by the Transcriptome & Epigenome Platform of the Biomics […]

Bernd Jagla
UTechS Single Cell Biomarkers
Bernd Jagla is a chemist turned bioinformatician currently working on a R/Shiny application for single-cell RNAseq data analysis called SCHNAPPs, as well as unsupervised cytometry data analysis concentrating on the application of self-organizing maps […]

Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin
Biological Image Analysis
Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin is the Head of the Bioimage Analysis unit and the director of the institut Carnot Pasteur Microbes et Santé. He chaired the Cell Biology and Infection Department (2010-2014) and was CTO and […]

Biological Image Analysis
Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin

Parasites and Insect Vectors
The Parasites and Insect Vectors Department investigates the life cycle of parasites and their vectors. This research addresses global public health concerns and tackles the ongoing need for better prevention, control, and treatment. The department […]

Genomes and Genetics
The teams of the department Genomes & Genetics are interested by questions related to gene regulation and evolutionary dynamics, including: Replication fidelity. Quality control of gene expression. Genetic diversity of populations and its impact […]