Genomics [303]

Molecular Parasitology and Signaling
Gérald Spaeth

Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Francois-Xavier Weill

Serge Gangloff
Dynamics of the Genome

Benoit Arcangioli
Dynamics of the Genome

Marion Benabou
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
I am studying the interaction between synaptic genes and clock genes in autism susceptibility. This work relies on the hypothesis that sleep disorders observed in patients could be involved in a synaptic homeostasis abnormality […]

Thomas Rolland
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
My research involves developping innovative and systematic computational approaches to analyze genomics and proteomics data of increasing quantity and quality. My goal is to characterize the mechanisms by which genomes, proteomes and interactomes evolve […]

Roland Brosch
Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics
Roland Brosch obtained his PhD at the University of Salzburg in Austria and after some years of postdoctoral training at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and the Institut Pasteur in Paris, he integrated […]

Christophe Rusniok
Biology Of Intracellular Bacteria

Giulia Oliva
Group: Shaynoor Dramsi

Cyril Savin

Elisabeth Carniel

Olivier Dussurget
Group : Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antibacterial Agents
In a globalized world heading for a post-antibiotic era, refined understanding of human, animal and environmental interactions with pathogenic bacteria is of utmost importance. The primary aim of our research is to discover bacterial […]

Christophe D’Enfert
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Dr. Christophe d’Enfert is a Professor at Institut Pasteur and the Head of the Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity Unit at Institut Pasteur. Dr. d’Enfert gained his PhD at Institut Pasteur working on protein secretion […]

Arturo Hernandez Cervantes
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity

Marie-Elisabeth Bougnoux
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Marie-Elisabeth Bougnoux, obtained both her MD (1985), and her PhD (1999) at University Paris-Descartes Medical School where she is currently Associate-Professor of Parasitology-Mycology and Head of the Mycology-Parasitology laboratory of Necker Hospital, Paris (Fr.), […]