2024Do Not Waste Time─Ensure Success in Your Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry Experiments before You Begin., Anal Chem 2024 Feb; 96(6): 2506-2513.
2023Comparing Top-Down Proteoform Identification: Deconvolution, PrSM Overlap, and PTM Detection., J Proteome Res 2023 May; (): .
2021TDFragMapper: a visualization tool for evaluating experimental parameters in top-down proteomics., Bioinformatics 2021 Nov; (): .
2021The ion-coupling mechanism of human excitatory amino acid transporters., EMBO J 2021 Nov; (): e108341.
2021De Novo Sequencing of Antibody Light Chain Proteoforms from Patients with Multiple Myeloma., Anal Chem 2021 08; 93(30): 10627-10634.
2021Advanced In Vivo Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry Platform to Characterize Proteome-Wide Protein Interactions., Anal Chem 2021 Feb; (): .
2020Mass-spectrometry analysis of the human pineal proteome during night and day and in autism., J Pineal Res 2020 Dec; (): e12713.
2020ProteoCombiner: integrating bottom-up with top-down proteomics data for improved proteoform assessment., Bioinformatics 2020 Nov; (): .
2020Toward Increased Reliability, Transparency, and Accessibility in Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry., Structure 2020 Nov; 28(11): 1259-1268.
2020Optimization of a Top-Down Proteomics Platform for Closely Related Pathogenic Bacterial Discrimination., J Proteome Res 2020 Oct; (): .
2020Interlaboratory Study for Characterizing Monoclonal Antibodies by Top-Down and Middle-Down Mass Spectrometry., J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2020 Sep; 31(9): 1783-1802.
2020Extensive flavivirus E trimer breathing accompanies stem zippering of the post-fusion hairpin., EMBO Rep. 2020 Jun; (): e50069.
2020Structural basis for loading and inhibition of a bacterial T6SS phospholipase effector by the VgrG spike., EMBO J. 2020 Jun; 39(11): e104129.
2020Defective lytic transglycosylase disrupts cell morphogenesis by hindering cell wall de-O-acetylation in Neisseria meningitidis., Elife 2020 Feb; 9(): .
2019A five-level classification system for proteoform identifications, Nat. Methods 2019 Oct;16(10):939-940.
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2018Consensus designs and thermal stability determinants of a human glutamate transporter, Elife 2018 10;7.
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2018Calcium-dependent disorder-to-order transitions are central to the secretion and folding of the CyaA toxin of Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough., Toxicon 2018 Jul; 149(): 37-44.
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2016Abundant Lysine Methylation and N-Terminal Acetylation in Sulfolobus islandicus Revealed by Bottom-Up and Top-Down Proteomics, Mol. Cell Proteomics 2016 Nov;15(11):3388-3404.
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2015Evolution of Helicobacter: Acquisition by Gastric Species of Two Histidine-Rich Proteins Essential for Colonization, PLoS Pathog 11(12): e1005312. doi:10.1371/journal. ppat.1005312.
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