Genome assembly [17]

Aude Bernheim
Molecular diversity of microbes
Aude Bernheim is a microbiologist interested in how bacteria fight off their viruses. She did her PhD in the Pasteur Institute in Paris studying the evolution of CRISPR-Cas systems and her post-doc in the […]

Alexis Criscuolo

Lise Frezal
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens

Nicolás Rascovan
Microbial Paleogenomics Unit

Biological Resource Center of Institut Pasteur (CRBIP)
Please visit our WEBSITE: https://crbip.pasteur.fr/ CATALOGUE: https://catalogue-crbip.pasteur.fr/ The following units are part of the CRBIP: CIP: Collection of Institut Pasteur PCC: Pasteur Cultures of Cyanobacteria CNCM: Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes […]

Riccardo Vicedomini
Research activity and interests are available at my personal web page: rvicedomini.github.io

Wenming Wei

Yoann Dufresne
Sequence Bioinformatics

Thomas Cokelaer
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
I joined the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub at Institut Pasteur in 2016 and was detached to the Platform Biomics (http://biomics.pasteur.fr). Since Oct 2018, I am leading the SALSA group (a.k.a. dry-lab group) activities, which […]

Amine Ghozlane
Expertise group: Genomics
Après une thèse d’informatique sur l’analyse de graphes de réseaux métaboliques et interactions des petits ARN avec les ARN messagers, j’ai effectué un premier post-doc dans l’équipe DSIMB (INTS) sur la modélisation structurale des […]

Population biology of the bacterial pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae
Sylvain Brisse

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager

Alexis Criscuolo
CRBIP Project Management Office (CRBIP-PMO)
Dr. Alexis Criscuolo is a research engineer at ⌉nstitut Pasteur and †he Head oƒ the Genome Inƒormatics and Phylogenetics (GIPhy) group at ⌉nstitut Pasteur. He gained his PhD ωorking on neω algorithms and […]

Spatial Regulation of Genomes
Romain Koszul