Chromatography [77]

Structural Microbiology
Pedro Alzari

Immunobiology and Therapy
Caroline Demangel

Molecular Parasitology and Signaling
Gérald Spaeth

Structural Virology
Félix A. Rey

Anne Marie Wehenkel
Bacterial Cell Cycle Mechanisms

Marco Bellinzoni
Structural biology of metabolic enzymes and complexes

Marion Benabou
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
I am studying the interaction between synaptic genes and clock genes in autism susceptibility. This work relies on the hypothesis that sleep disorders observed in patients could be involved in a synaptic homeostasis abnormality […]

Sébastien Brier
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Sébastien Brier holds an Engineer degree in Biology from Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, and received his Ph.D. in Structural Proteomics at the group of Dr. Eric Forest in 2005 in Grenoble, developing HDX-MS approaches to study […]

Arturo Hernandez Cervantes
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity

Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Bacterial transmembrane systems
Directrice de Recherche DR1, CNRS

Célia Caillet-Saguy
Humoral Immunology
I obtained a position as a researcher at the Institut Pasteur in 2014 by proposing a project on the subversion by viruses of signalling pathways involving PDZ-containing proteins. My current research is now part […]

Olivera Francetic
Macromolecular Systems

Olivier Danot
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology

Christophe Malabat
After a PhD in biochemistry of the rapeseed proteins, during which I developed my first automated scripts for handling data processing and analysis, I join Danone research facility center for developing multivariate models for […]

Alexandre Chenal
Protein folding and membrane interactions My research interests are mainly focused on protein folding, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics and protein translocation across membranes. In the BIM Unit, I am characterizing a bacterial toxin, the adenylate cyclase […]