Course Malaria MOOC The MOOC provides an overview of malaria today, from the cellular biology of the parasite to treatments, from immune response to control and elimination strategies. >>Register here << Malaria is an ancient disease that […]
Event Department of Immunology seminar: Fernando Camargo, Lineage analysis at the single cell level DEPARTMENT OF IMMUNOLOGY SEMINAR VENDREDI 28 FEVRIER 2020 – 12 heures 00 Salle Jules Bordet – Bâtiment Metchnikoff Lineage analysis at the single cell level Fernando Camargo Stem Cell Program, Children’s Hospital Boston Department […]
Event Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry seminar: Dr. Olivier Lambert, Antibiotic resistance and contribution of Multidrug Efflux Pumps: Structural and functional insights. Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry SEMINAR TUESDAY 21 JANUARY 2020 at 2:00 pm AUDITORIUM CENTRE F. JACOB room- CFJ RdC 17c Dr. Olivier Lambert Architecture de complexes membranaires et processus cellulaires CBMN Bordeaux […]
Event PICREID Midterm Meeting Keynote Speaker Event: Novel discoveries in emerging infectious diseases (Kei Sato, Keita Matsuno and Akatsuki Saito) In the framework of the PICREID Midterm Meeting, and with generous support from the Virology and Global Health Departments of Institut Pasteur and the Fondation Pasteur Japon, we are pleased to welcome three expert […]
Event Department of Structural Biology seminar: Dr Sébastien Ulrich, Applying concepts of supramolecular chemistry in delivery applications Lundi 27 janvier 2020 à 14h30 Amphithéâtre Monod – bâtiment Monod RdC Dr. Sébastien Ulrich Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM), CNRS, Université de Montpellier, ENSCM, Montpellier, France Applying concepts of […]
News Paludisme : recréer le cycle sanguin du parasite in vivo pour mieux lutter contre la maladie En greffant à des souris des cellules souches sanguines humaines, une équipe de l’Institut Pasteur, INSERM et CNRS, est parvenue à maintenir le parasite Plasmodium vivax in vivo. Un nouveau modèle pour explorer des […]
Event I2K-From Images to Knowledge with ImageJ & Friends Presentation of the Tutorial « Developing your own Icy plugins » The workshop “From Images to Knowledge with ImageJ & Friends” (I2K 2020) is fully virtual. Tutors and students live in various time zones […]
Event EPIC-XS Workshop : Top-Down Proteomics Webinar Welcome to a free online workshop organized by The European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing access (EPIC-XS) The European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access (EPIC-XS) consists of a unified network of experienced access providers and […]
News A New Drug Target against Malaria Malaria is a disease that continues to cause tremendous suffering and mortality in the tropics. This disease is caused by Plasmodium parasites. The species Plasmodium falciparum causes the severest and most deadly form of […]
News Coronavirus : Mobilisation Equipes de l’Institut Pasteur Mobilisation du centre national de référence (CNR) des virus des infections respiratoires, de la cellule d’intervention biologique d’urgence (CIBU) et de la plateforme de microbiologie mutalisée (P2M) Dans le cadre de sa mission de […]
News Keynote: Socio-cultural context of infectious threats in Africa by Tamara Giles-Vernick Social sciences insights into epidemic processes (past and present), focusing on disease emergence in Central Africa, epidemic interventions and their implications for development of antimicrobial resistance, and the short and long […]
Event CRISPR 2021 – Virtual meeting The CRISPR 2021 meeting will be the 14th annual CRISPR meeting since its inception in 2008. It will be held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic and following the postponement of the 2020 meeting which was scheduled […]
Event 3rd International MIRRI Stakeholder Meeting The ESFRI project MIRRI (Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure) has finalized its Preparatory Phase in May 2016 and all elements required for a successful continuation of the RI have been valued by the independent ESFRI […]
News Coronavirus de Wuhan Une pneumonie inconnue est apparue en Chine, en décembre 2019. Le virus en cause est un coronavirus appelé 2019 n-CoV (voir la fiche maladie sur le coronavirus de Wuhan). Il ressemble à un autre […]
News Job offer: Permanent research engineer – Lab automation and synthetic biology The InBio group is an interdisciplinary team performing both wet and dry systems and synthetic biology, with a strong focus on quantitative aspects. It is affiliated to Inria and Institut Pasteur, and is hosted […]
News Rare case of death following infection by a bat-borne virus related to rabies Rabies is still responsible for approximately 60,000 deaths in humans each year. The bat-borne virus EBL1a, related to rabies, rarely affects humans, but a case was recently reported in mainland France. The virus was […]
Call Deadline 28 Feb 2025 Call for applications 2025 – Creation of new research groups at the Institut Pasteur
seminar 14:00 07 Jan 2025 Department of Parasites and Insect Vectors Extraordinary Seminar : Systems Immunology at Spatial Resolution: AI-Driven Insights into Infectious Diseases” Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Chetan Chitnis Francisco Jose Martinez Blazquez
conference 12:00 15 Jan 2025 Impact of foetal CMV infection on the developing brain and inner ear – Pierre GRESSENS Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Chetan Chitnis Francisco Jose Martinez Blazquez
conference 16:00 03 Feb 2025 First international conference on CK1 PROTEIN KINASES: “FROM CELL SIGNALING TO THERAPEUTIC TARGETS IN HUMAN DISEASE” – Lorenzo Pinna, David Virshup , Nagi G Ayad , Kathy Gould , Nicolas Thomä , Carrie Partch , Stephanie Federico, Yinon Ben-Neriah , David Strutt , Stefan Knapp , Nicole Robbins , Volker Dötsch Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Chetan Chitnis Francisco Jose Martinez Blazquez
Job: Research Engineer Bioinformatic engineer position at Institut Pasteur, Paris Dendritic cells and adaptive immunity
Job: Research Engineer Data manager/curator for genomic taxonomies of bacterial strains (12-month CDD) Data Management Core Facility
Job: Post-doc Postdoctoral position in the “Immunobiology and Therapy” Unit Immunobiology and Therapy
Nature structural & molecular biology Transcription-induced domains form the elementary constraining building blocks of bacterial chromosomes. 2024
The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology Ultrastructural Changes of the Mitochondrion During the Life Cycle of Trypanosoma brucei. 2021
Frontiers in microbiology Inference of Significant Microbial Interactions From Longitudinal Metagenomics Data 2018
Nature biotechnology Single-cell deep phenotyping of IgG-secreting cells for high-resolution immune monitoring 2017
News The paper by Thomas Serrano, Stéphane Frémont, Frédérique Cuvelier and Arnaud Echar... 09 Dec 2024
News The paper by Thomas Serrano, Stéphane Frémont, Frédérique Cuvelier and Arnaud Echar... 09 Dec 2024