The project Amazed has received a funding from the ANR in response to the call of PEPR-Prezode. It is a multi-centric project with four sites, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, New Caledonia and Cameroon. The project focuses on local and regional risk of pathogen contact and spread. Risk for metropolitan France will be also examined.
We plan:
- To characterize animal, and arthropod potential vector communities in natural environments and to describe human and environmental change impact according to different biotopes (natural / anthropized /urban);
- To quantify the arbovirus circulation in the different biotopes (prevalence among mosquito batches, serologies in animals, and humans) and characterization of microbial communities;
- To characterize the Togaviridae and some Flaviridae of local importance (and pathogen X) circulating in diverse tropical environments;
- To analyze and to compare vector competence and life traits for several vectors and virus pairs;
- To build up risk models for arbovirus emergence, considering the environment and including human activities.
We are 12 partners: IP (5), IP French Guiana, IP Guadeloupe, IP New Caledonia, IRD, EHESP, Anses, and CNRS.