Cellular immunity [140]

Darragh Duffy
Translational Immunology
Darragh Duffy leads the Translational Immunology unit at the Institut Pasteur, Paris and is co-coordinator of the LabEx Milieu Interieur project. The overall goal of his research is to better understand the fundamental mechanisms […]

Sophie Novault
Flow Cytometry Platform
Sophie NOVAULT has over 15 years of experience in flow cytometry and cell sorting. She joined Institut Pasteur in January 2014 as the Head of the flow cytometry platform, following 10 years running the […]

Jean-Nicolas Tournier

Elisabeth Menu
Center for Immunology of Viral Infections, Autoimmune, Haematological and bacterial diseases (ImVA-HB) CEA/DRF/Jacob/IDMIT, Université Paris-Saclay, INSERM U1184 Bâtiment 62-3ème étage 18 route du Panorama 92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses ET Institut Pasteur Département de Virologie Groupe MISTIC

Patricia Jeannin
Group: Cell Biology and Viral Infection
Patricia Jeannin is graduated in virology (Master of science in medical virology) She work in Pasteur Institute since 2003. Patricia Jeannin takes part to the diagnostic of flu viruses in influenza CNR (Immunology : ELISA… […]

Fabrice Lemaitre
Dynamics of Immune Responses

Marie-Louise Michel

Pierre Goossens

Immunology of Fungal Infections
Jessica Quintin

Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions
Jost Enninga

Dynamics of Immune Responses
Philippe Bousso

Microenvironment and Immunity
Gérard Eberl

Immunobiology and Therapy
Caroline Demangel

Lars Rogge