Members [All]
Group: Dynamics & Drug Design
Arnaud BlondelGroup Leader -
Structural Bioinformatics
Guillaume BouvierPermanent Researcher -
Caroline Pereira Bittencourt PassaesResearch Engineer
Integrative Structural Cell Biology
Quang Tru HuynhAdministrative Staff -
Bacterial transmembrane systems
Benjamin BardiauxPermanent Researcher -
Functional dynamics
Thérèse MalliavinGroup Leader -
Structural Microbiology
Edouard YeramianPermanent Researcher -
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Victor HeurtierPhD Student -
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Agnès DuboisResearch Engineer -
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Alexandra TachtsidiPost-doc -
Tech Lab
Michael NilgesHead of Structure -
Riccardo PellarinPermanent Researcher
Structural Bioinformatics
Pak-Lee ChauPermanent Researcher -
Statistical analysis and modeling of cellular processes
Thibault LagacheGroup Leader -
Structural Bioinformatics
Nathalie Duclert-SavatierResearch Engineer -
Mouse Genetics
Jean JaubertPermanent Researcher -
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Michel Cohen-TannoudjiGroup Leader -
Human Developmental Genetics
Denis HouzelsteinPermanent Researcher -
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Sylvain BessonnardPost-doc -
Biological Image Analysis
Vannary Meas-Yedid HardyResearch Engineer