My recent work focuses on the genetic and functional dissection of complex traits using the mouse genetic toolbox. After developing a collection of interspecific congenic strains which were instrumental in exploring the genetic control of skull shape, I am now taking advantage of the genetic diversity of the Collaborative Cross which was imported at the Institut Pasteur when I was the director of the animal facilities. My team uses this cutting-edge genetic resource to investigate the role of host genes in the susceptibility to infectious diseases. I am also involved in teaching, being co-director of the Institut Pasteur Mouse Genetics course since 1995.
Mouse Genetics for Disease Modelling Course
This five-week intensive laboratory and lecture course covers the analysis of gene function at all levels: the gene and its product, the cell and its interactions, the embryonic tissues and the entire animal. This […]
Transversal Projects
Since 2017: Head of the Mouse Genetics Laboratory, Institut Pasteur
Since 2005: Research Director, Institut Pasteur.
2004-2017: Researcher in the Mouse functional Genetics Unit (head: J.-J. Panthier)
2004: Habilitation in Genetics, University Pierre & Marie Curie – Paris, France
2003: Diplomate of the European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
2000-2018: Head of the Central Animal Facilities, Institut Pasteur
Since 1995: Co-director of the annual course in Mouse Genetics, Institut Pasteur.
1995: PhD in Genetics, University Pierre & Marie Curie – Paris, France
1994-1995: Visiting scientist at The Jackson Laboratory (Maine, USA)
1987-2004: Fellow of the Roux Foundation (1987-1989), Research Assistant (1990-1993) and Junior Researcher (CR, 1994-2004), Mammalian Genetics Unit (head: J.-L. Guénet), Institut Pasteur
1986: DVM, Alfort Veterinary School and Créteil Medical University
1984–1986: Teaching assistant in microbiology and immunology at the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort
2024Broad sarbecovirus neutralization by combined memory B cell antibodies to ancestral SARS-CoV-2., iScience 2024 Jul; 27(7): 110354.
2023Susceptibility to Zika virus in a Collaborative Cross mouse strain is induced by Irf3 deficiency in vitro but requires other variants in vivo., PLoS Pathog 2023 Sep; 19(9): e1011446.
2022Zika virus infection of mature neurons from immunocompetent mice generates a disease-associated microglia and a tauopathy-like phenotype in link with a delayed interferon beta response., J Neuroinflammation 2022 Dec; 19(1): 307.
2022Intranasal Exposure to Rift Valley Fever Virus Live-Attenuated Strains Leads to High Mortality Rate in Immunocompetent Mice., Viruses 2022 Nov; 14(11): .
2022stuart: an R package for the curation of SNP genotypes from experimental crosses., G3 (Bethesda) 2022 Nov; 12(11): .
2022SARS-CoV-2 infection in domestic rats after transmission from their infected owner, 2023.
2022Olfactory outcomes in Zika virus-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome., Eur J Neurol 2022 Sep; 29(9): 2823-2831.
2022Potent human broadly SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing IgA and IgG antibodies effective against Omicron BA.1 and BA.2., J Exp Med 2022 Jul; 219(7): .
2022Rapid characterization of a Delta-Omicron SARS-CoV-2 recombinant detected in Europe, 2022.
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