The aim of the Genomics group is to support Pasteur Units with DNA Sequencing and Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) array analysis. The core of the group is made of three people with various educational backgrounds in informatics, statistics and biology. Some of our members have long-time research experience and wetlab skills, which facilitates collaborations with biologists.
Main skills:
- NGS analysis (Assembling, Mapping, Detection, Annotation, etc.)
- SNP array analysis
- Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
- HiC analysis
- Metagenomic analysis (bacteria)
- Database handling
- Computing (Python, bash, R, Nextflow, Perl, awk, html, xml, sql)
- Debuter en R (Formation Continue)
- Genotype data and association studies (Cours PhD)
Do not hesitate to contact us using the Hub-portal web page