Theme of the conference
The principle theme of this EMBO conference “Tuberculosis 2016: Interdisciplinary research on tuberculosis and pathogenic mycobacteria” consists of the latest biological insights and advances on pathogenic mycobacteria that are presently gained by new powerful technologies and sophisticated approaches linked to the domains of genomics, genetics, cell biology, structural biology, medicinal chemistry and/or immunology and how these advances might be used to cope with the enormous problems that pathogenic mycobacteria cause for millions of people today.
Pathogenic mycobacteria correspond to a large group of medically important bacteria that cause the major human diseases Tuberculosis, Leprosy, and Buruli ulcer, but are also increasingly important in the context of emerging pathogens in patients with genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis.
These different themes will be presented and discussed by world-renowned scientists from a broad range of different disciplines. This international conference, to be held from September 19-23, 2016, in the Conference centre (CIS) within the campus of the Institut Pasteur in Paris will provide a premium forum for the discussion and exchange of the recent advances in this timely and important topic.
Please find more information on the Program, Registration, and Abstract submission at the dedicated Tuberculosis 2016 Conference web page.