Public health research and clinical research [478]
Elisabeth Carniel
Pierre Charneau
Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory
Chetan Chitnis
Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines
Chetan Chitnis joined Institut Pasteur in 2014 to set up the Malaria Parasite Biology & Vaccines Unit. His laboratory investigates how malaria parasites invade human erythrocytes and uses these findings to develop new intervention […]
Grazyna Faure-Kuzminska
Signaling and receptors dynamics
Research areas: Toxinology, structural and functional characterization of neurotoxic and anticoagulant phospholipases A2 (sPLA2 group IIA) from snake venom, search for their molecular mechanism of action, identification of the neurotoxic and anticoagulant sites of […]
Franck Verdonk
Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological and Physiological Ageing
Christophe Becavin
Expertise group: GORE – Genome Organization Regulation and Expression
EXPERTISE Bioinformatics-Biostatistics: Gene-expression analysis, DNA/RNA methylation analysis, correlation of heterogeneous “omics” data, machine learning, multivariate analysis. Programming language: Java, R, Python, Bash, C, Eclipse RCP. Biology: Microbiology, RNA regulation in Bacteria, genome evolution, protein […]
Javier Pizarro-Cerda
Hilde De Reuse
Marie-Elisabeth Bougnoux
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Marie-Elisabeth Bougnoux, obtained both her MD (1985), and her PhD (1999) at University Paris-Descartes Medical School where she is currently Associate-Professor of Parasitology-Mycology and Head of the Mycology-Parasitology laboratory of Necker Hospital, Paris (Fr.), […]
Eliette Touati
Group: Infection, Genotoxicity and Cancer
Francis Delpeyroux
Epidemiology & macro-evolution of polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses (WHO-CC)
Alexandre Alanio
Translational Mycology
Dr Alexandre Alanio is an M.D., Ph.D., expert in medical mycology and medical parasitology. He is currently Associate Professor in Paris VII University (Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, France), Permanent Researcher in the molecular mycology unit […]
Olivier Lortholary
Translational Mycology
Olivier Lortholary is Deputy Director of the French National Reference Center for Invasive Mycoses and Antifungals, co-director of the Medical Mycology course, Professor of Medicine at Paris Descartes University and Head of the Necker-Pasteur […]
Françoise Dromer
Françoise Dromer was head of the Molecular Mycology unit from 2002 to 2022. She was also head of the French National Reference Center for Mycoses & Antifungals for 20 years. She is now deputy […]
Karine Boukris-Sitbon
Invasive Mycoses and Antifungals
Karine Sitbon received her MD in 1993 at Saint-Louis/Lariboisière Medical School (Paris 7). Her research interest focuses on invasive fungal infections to improve diagnostic and treatment strategies through a better understanding of the epidemiology […]