Machine learning [93]

Icy: an open community platform for bioimage informatics

Stevenn Volant
Expertise group : Stats
After a diploma of statistician engineer from the Ensai (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information) and a Ph.D in applied mathematics in the Statistics & Genome lab (AgroParisTech), I worked as a developer […]

Véronique Legrand
HPC Core Facility
Software development engineer: from major industrial projects (energy, aeronautics) to software edition (artificial intelligence & image processing). I am truly enthousiastic about using my skills at the service of scientific research. Most recent education […]

Synthetic Biology
David Bikard

Computational Systems Biomedicine
Benno Schwikowski

Thomas Rolland
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
My research involves developping innovative and systematic computational approaches to analyze genomics and proteomics data of increasing quantity and quality. My goal is to characterize the mechanisms by which genomes, proteomes and interactomes evolve […]

Christophe Becavin
Expertise group: GORE – Genome Organization Regulation and Expression
EXPERTISE Bioinformatics-Biostatistics: Gene-expression analysis, DNA/RNA methylation analysis, correlation of heterogeneous “omics” data, machine learning, multivariate analysis. Programming language: Java, R, Python, Bash, C, Eclipse RCP. Biology: Microbiology, RNA regulation in Bacteria, genome evolution, protein […]

Benno Schwikowski
Computational Systems Biomedicine

Anne Danckaert
Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)
After a PhD in Bio-mathematics and Bio-statistics at university of Paris-Diderot, Dr Anne Danckaert has occupied several positions in both private pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. These positions allowed her to establish several international […]

Bernd Jagla
UTechS Single Cell Biomarkers
Bernd Jagla is a chemist turned bioinformatician currently working on a R/Shiny application for single-cell RNAseq data analysis called SCHNAPPs, as well as unsupervised cytometry data analysis concentrating on the application of self-organizing maps […]

Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin
Biological Image Analysis
Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin is the Head of the Bioimage Analysis unit and the director of the institut Carnot Pasteur Microbes et Santé. He chaired the Cell Biology and Infection Department (2010-2014) and was CTO and […]