Genetics [239]

Isabelle Dusfour
As vector biologist at the Institute Pasteur in French Guiana for about 10 years, I had been working on topics related to mosquito vectors from transmission to control and mosquito adaptation. The various projects, […]

Thomas Bourgeron

ROXANE Project : study of Hidradenitis Suppurativa :genetics and microbiological
Maia Delage Toriel • Aude Nassif • Marie-Noelle Ungeheuer

Group : Molecular microbial evolution & ecology
Olaya Rendueles-Garcia

Chunzi Yao
Statistical Genetics

UMR3525 CNRS/Institut Pasteur – Genetics of genomes
Eduardo Rocha

Nathalie Clément
Clinical Research Coordination Office
Nathalie Clément holds a PhD in Physiology and Pathophysiology from Paris VI University. After 6 years as a postdoctoral fellow, she joined the translational research team in pediatric oncology at Institut Curie as a […]

Wenming Wei

Mitochondrial Biology
Timothy Wai

Expertise group : Stats
Pascal Campagne

Pascal Campagne
Expertise group : Stats
Initially trained in evolutionary and environmental sciences, I studied population genetics and micro-evolutionary processes in a number of postdoctoral research projects. I recently joined the C3BI-Hub at the Institut Pasteur, where I work on […]

Thomas Bourgeron

Rémi-Xavier Coux
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Rémi obtained his Bachelor and Master’s degrees from the Magistère Européen de Génétique, Université Paris Diderot specializing in Developmental Genetics. He joined the lab of Pr. Ruth Lehmann (Skirball Institute, New York University School […]

Jerzy Witwinowski
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
After four years of postdoc in our lab, Jerzy has obtained a permanent research engineer (lab manager) position in 2022. He has in charge the molecular biology aspects of many projects of the lab, […]