Genetics [238]

Arthur Frouin
Statistical Genetics
Hi, My name is Arthur Frouin and i’m a post-doc in the statistical genetics group at the Pasteur Institut. During my PhD i worked on the links between heritability estimation and machine learning, which […]

Victoire Baillet
Expertise group: GORE – Genome Organization Regulation and Expression
I am a geneticist by training with a strong interest in understanding the molecular basis of phenotypic variation, a grand scientific question that gradually pushed me to hang up the pipettes and transition to […]

Cyril Anjou
Group: Isabelle Martin-Verstraete

Lise Frezal
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens

ERC StG 2020 PaleoMetAmerica
Nicolás Rascovan

Basile Beaud
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Basile is PhD student funded by the Doctoral school BioSPC. His project focuses on the biogenesis of the outer membrane in diderm Terrabacteria.

Camila Duitama González
Sequence Bioinformatics
I am Camila Duitama González, a PostDoc in the Sequence Bioinformatics group from Institut Pasteur. I obtained my Ph.D. in the same lab, under the supervision of Dr. Rayan Chikhi and Dr. Hugues Richard. I am […]

Microbial Paleogenomics Unit
Nicolás Rascovan

Marie Bourdon

Anaïs Cazals

Laurine Conquet
Mouse Genetics

Group : Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antibacterial Agents
Olivier Dussurget

PARIS: Paris Autism Research International Sib-Pair Study
Thomas Bourgeron

General Objectives of the Unit Lyssavirus Dynamics and Host adaptation
Hervé Bourhy