Sandra Pellegrini
Sandra Pellegrini is Director of Research INSERM and Head of the Unit of Cytokine Signaling at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. After graduating with a Laurea in Biological Sciences at the University La Sapienza […]
Sandra Pellegrini is Director of Research INSERM and Head of the Unit of Cytokine Signaling at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. After graduating with a Laurea in Biological Sciences at the University La Sapienza […]
After a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Lyon-I in 1995, Dr Aziz El-Amraoui joined the Institut Pasteur (Paris) where resorting to dozen identified deafness genes as entry points has enabled him to […]
Intracellular traffic and cell compartmentalization Eukaryotic cells contain extensive internal membranes defining many compartments having each specific functions. However these organelles are constantly moving and reshaping, still retaining their identity. The maintenance of cell […]
Francois Schweisguth studied at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (1983-88) and obtained a PhD in Developmental Biology in 1990 under the supervision of Jean-Antoine Lepesant (IJM, Paris) and Alain Vincent (CBD, Toulouse). He […]
Dr. Gerald Späth currently holds a Research Director position at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, where he directs the Unit ‘Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation’ (12 members) and the Department ‘Parasites and Insect Vectors’ (ca. […]
Our aim is to characterise stem cells and their daughters during embryonic and postnatal development of skeletal muscle to understand how this tissue is established, and how it regenerates. We are examining the genetic […]
“Science is not about accumulating new data: it is the ability to change the way we think about data, is the ability to break prejudices and to ask the next (right and simple) question” […]
SCIENTIFIC POSITIONS Head of Auditory Therapies Innovation Laboratory at the Hearing Institute (an Institut Pasteur Center), Paris Professor “Classe Exceptionnelle” at Institut Pasteur, Paris Professor Emeritus at Collège de France, Chair of Genetics […]
This is an example of transplanted human iPSC derived cells.