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Nov 2017


The Group for AIDS Research (Groupe de Réflexion SIDA, GRS) organizes  bimonthly meetings and seminars around an HIV / AIDS research topic. Since 2021, the meetings may also include topics related to emerging viruses.

Meetings and seminars are open to all. 

The GRS meetings and seminars are organized with the support of ANRS-MIE.




Missions of the GRS

Objective n° 1
To further discussion and information exchange on the theme of HIV / AIDS research at the Pasteur Institute of Paris

The GRS is an interdisciplinary group of researchers involved in HIV / AIDS research at the Pasteur Institute of Paris. The GRS also involves members of other institutions such as ANRS and AP-HP in its organization. The GRS aims at improving scientific communication on HIV / AIDS and at providing information on teams involved in HIV research on the campus.

The GRS organizes a monthly meeting around and HIV / AIDS thematic that concerns fundamental research ( Retrovirology, Pathogenesis) or applied research (Vaccinology, Antiretrovirals, Immunotherapy, …).

Objective n° 2
To exchange informations and further collaborations with researchers of the International Network of Pasteur Institutes involved in HIV / AIDS research

These actions are lead in concert with the relevant directions at the Pasteur Institute. Information on GRS meetings and HIV / AIDS research at the Pasteur Institutes are posted online to facilitate the involvement of all members of the network. Special meetings are organized by the GRS upon the visit of network researchers on the Parisian campus.

Objective n° 3
To promote research and public health actions in the field of HIV / AIDS

The GRS contributes to the identification of common research themes to be developed at the Pasteur Institutes, and to the setup of collaborative programs such as PTR (Programmes Transversaux de Recherche) in the field of HIV / AIDS.

The GRS organizes a scientific watch in the field of HIV / AIDS and promotes the discussion of current HIV / AIDS topics at its monthly meetings.

Organization of the GRS

Organizing committee:


  • Fernando Arenzana-Seisdedos, Shanghai Pasteur Institute
  • Pierre Charneau, Molecular Virology and Vaccinology Unit, Pasteur Institute
  • Hugo Mouquet, Humoral Response to Pathogens Group, Pasteur Institute
  • Michaela Müller-Trutwin, HIV, Inflammation, and Persistence Unit, Pasteur Institute
  • Asier Saez-Cirion, HIV, Inflammation, and Persistence Unit, Pasteur Institute
  • Olivier Schwartz, Virus and Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute
  • Frédéric Tangy, Viral Genomic and Vaccination Unit, Pasteur Institute

Organization of GRS meetings
GRS meetings are held in general on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings last for two hours and are organized around two to three presentations and a discussion. Invited speakers may be any researcher working in the field of HIV / AIDS or emerging viruses, on the campus or in other institutions.

The topic of each meeting is chosen for its current interest and importance, independently of its representation on the campus. The topic does not necessarily concern HIV / AIDS in the strict sense, but may be chosen to broaden our perspective on HIV / AIDS research. Possible topics and speaker names can be proposed to the organization committee.

For each meeting, the organization committee invites two to three speakers that work at the Pasteur Institutes or in exterior organizations (INSERM, CNRS, hospitals of the AP-HP, members of coordinated actions of the ANRS, the National Agency for AIDS Research, …). Presentations are followed by a discussion, which is moderated by a researcher with authority in the field, but who does not necessarily work on HIV / AIDS.

GRS meetings are announced by posters on the Paris campus and are listed on the Conference page of the Pasteur Institute web site.

Past GRS Meetings

GRS Meetings 2024

Meeting number 108
Date 14/10/2024 at 4 PM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series
Organizer Francesca di Nunzio
Advanced Molecular Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris

Andres FINZI, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM), Canada

Exploiting HIV Env conformation for clinical intervention



Meeting number 107
Date 16/01/2024 at 4 PM
Topic Regulation of HIV expression and  latency
Organizer Marc Lavigne
Department of Virology, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Speakers Edouard BERTRANDInstitut de Génétique Humaine, CNRS, Université de Montpellier“Stochastic pausing and nucleosome occupancy generates transcriptional bursting at latent HIV-1 promoters”
Roy MATKOVICInstitut Cochin – CNRS UMR8104, INSERM U101, Paris“HUSHing HIV expression at the RNA/Chromatin interface”


GRS Meetings 2023

Meeting number 106
Date 28/11/2023 at 4 PM
Topic Role of HIV capsid in the early steps of infection and in HIV latency
Organizer Francesca di Nunzio
Advanced Molecular Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Speakers Jeremy LUBANUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA; Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard
Innate Immunity to HIV-1
Edward M. CAMPBELLDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago

Distinct Utilization of Nuclear Import Pathways Allows HIV-1 Integration into Transcriptionally Active Regions of Chromatin

Ariberto FASSATIDivision of Infection & Immunity, University College London

Capsid affects HIV-1 latency

GRS Meetings 2022

Meeting number 105
Date 06/12/2022 at noon
Topic Role of membraneless organelles in viral replication
Organizer Arnaud Moris
Autophagy and Antiviral Immunity, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Gif sur Yvette
Speakers Yves GAUDIN
Rhabdovirus, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Gif sur Yvette
Liquid-liquid phase separation and rabies virus infection: viral factories and liquid organelles related to innate immunity
Francesca DI NUNZIO
Advanced Molecular Virology unit, Institut Pasteur
HIV-induced membraneless organelles orchestrate post-nuclear entry steps
Meeting number 104
Date 30/08/2022 at noon
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Lisa Chakrabarti
CIVIC group, Virus and Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris
Speakers Stéphanie GRAS
La Trobe Institute for Molecular Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia
Functional and structural studies of the CD8 response directed at SARS-CoV-2: determinants of cross-reactivity with seasonal coronaviruses
La Trobe Institute for Molecular Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia
Functional and structural studies of the CD4 response directed at HIV-1: determinants of cross-restriction by multiple HLA-DR alleles

GRS Meetings 2021

Meeting number 103
Date 26/10/2021  at 1 PM
Topic The cytoskeleton and viruses
Organizer Francesca di Nunzio
Advanced Molecular Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Speakers Delphine MURIAUX
Equipe MDVA, IRIM, CNRS Université de Montpellier
Role of the cortical actin cytoskeleton in virus assembly
Cell Death and Aging Team, INSERM U1030, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Villejuif
SUGT1 controls susceptibility to HIV-1 infection by stabilizing microtubule plus-ends
CIVIC group, Virus &Immunity Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris
SARS-CoV-2 induces the dedifferentiation of ciliated cells

GRS Meetings 2019

Meeting number 102
Date 28/05/2019  at 4 PM
Topic Mechanisms of HIV antigen presentation
Organizer Arnaud Moris
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Gif sur Yvette, France
Speakers Persephone BORROW
Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford university, UK
Identification of novel targets for HIV-specific CD8+ T cells on HIV-infected cells 
Sylvie LE GALL
Ragon Institute, Cambridge, USA
Antigen processing and presentation in HIV infection
Arnaud MORIS
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Gif sur Yvette, France
From CTL to the HIV translatome
Meeting number 101
Date 16/04/2019 at noon
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Lisa Chakrabarti and Olivier Schwartz (Virus and Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Speaker Alexandra TRKOLA
Institute for Medical Virology, University of Zürich, Switzeland
Determinants of HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody induction
Meeting number 100
Date 19/03/2019  at 4 PM
Topic Mechanisms of restriction of viral entry
Organizer Nicoletta CASARTELLI
Virtus and Immunity Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Speakers Julian BUCHRIESER
Virus and Immunity Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Mechanisms of restriction of viral entry: an introduction
San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Milan, Italy    
Insight into HIV restriction from improving haematopoietic stem cell gene therapy
Christine GOFFINET
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany    
Endogenous SERINC5 is modulated by type I IFN and antagonized by HIV-1 Nef despite incorporation into virions
Meeting number 99
Date 29/01/2019 at noon
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Nicoletta Casartelli (Virus and Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Speaker Oliver FACKLER
Department of Infectious Diseases, Integrative Virology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
Tissue-like 3D environment shape modes of HIV-spread

GRS Meetings 2018

Meeting number 98
Date 10/10/2018 at 5 PM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Immunology
Organizer Olivier Schwartz / Lisa Chakrabarti (Virus and Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Speaker Galit ALTER
Ragon Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital,  Cambridge, USA
Defining Correlates of Immunology Using Systems Serology


Meeting number 97
Date 12/06/2018 at 4 PM
Topic Humanized mouse models for HIV studies
Organizer Hugo Mouquet (Humoral response to Pathogens Unit) and Lisa Chakrabarti (Virus and Immunity Unit), Pasteur Institute, Paris.
Speakers Guillemette MASSE-RANSON
Innate Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris
Combining immunotherapies in HIV-infected Human Immune System (HIS) mice
Yu Chun LONE
Lwoff Institute, Paris South University and INSERM UMR1197, Villejuif
Recent development of a new preclinical model, “Humamice”,  for exploring human cellular immunity
Véronique GODOT
CHU Henri Mondor, INSERM U955, Vaccine Research Institute, Créteil
A prophylactic vaccine targeting HIV-1 Env to human CD40 elicits Env-specific IgG+ B cells and memory Tfh cells
Meeting number 96
Date 13/03/2018 at 4 PM
Topic Immune reconstitution in HIV infection
Organizer Jade Ghosn (UF de Thérapeutique en Immuno-Infectiologie, Hôtel Dieu, Paris)
Speakers Dominique COSTAGLIOLA
INSERM, Sorbonne Université, Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Paris
Immune restauration in HIV-infected patients who initiated antiretroviral therapy between 2006 and 2014: data from the FHDH-ANRS CO4 cohort
Equipe Cytokines et Infections Virales, Institut Cochin, Paris
Role of IL-7 to promote immunbe reconstitution and stimulate vaccine responses: studies in simian models
UF des Maladies Neurovirales, CHU Bicêtre; IMVA INSERM U1184, Université Paris-Sud
Immunotherapy with IL-7 in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) associated to CD4+ T cell lymphopenia
Meeting number 95
Date 16/02/2018 at 4 PM
Topic Metabolism and HIV
Organizer Asier Saez-Cirion (Unité HIV, Inflammation, et Persistance, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Speakers Mireille LAFORGE
UFR Biomédicale, Université Paris Descartes
Impact of mitochondrial morphogenesis on the energetic metabolism of CD4+ T cells in AIDS
Unité HIV, Inflammation, et Persistance, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Role of CD4+ T cell metabolism in establishment and persistence of the HIV reservoir
Jacqueline CAPEAU
Centre de Recherche Saint-Antoine, Inserm U938-UPMC, Hôpital Tenon AP-HP
Metabolic complications in HIV-infected patients

GRS Meetings 2017

Meeting number 94
Date 21/11/2017 at 4 PM
Topic HIV vaccination strategies
Organizer Lisa Chakrabarti (Viral Pathogenesis Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Speakers Frédéric TANGY
Unité de Génomique Virale et Vaccination, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Protective efficacy of live measles-HIV vaccine against SHIV-SF162P3 challenges in cynomolgus macaques
Stéphane PAUL    
Groupe d’Immunité des Muqueuses et Agents Pathogènes/EA3064, INSERM CIE3 1408 Vaccinology, Université de Lyon, Saint-Etienne
Use of SIgA for HIV mucosal vaccination
Unité de Virologie Moléculaire et Vaccinologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris     
Lentiviral vectors as T-Cell vaccines
Meeting number 93
Date 27/06/2017 at 4 PM
Topic Meeting in memory of Mark Wainberg
Organizer Lisa Chakrabarti (Viral Pathogenesis Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Speakers Françoise BARRE-SINOUSSI
Direction Internationale, Institut Pasteur, Paris 
Christian BRECHOT
Directeur Général de l’Institut Pasteur, Paris
Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Abidjan
Role of Mark Wainberg in promoting access to treatment in limited resource settings
Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Hôpital Bichat
Mark Weinberg’s achievements in the virology field
Directeur Général de l’association AIDES, Paris
Role of Mark Wainberg in promoting access to prevention
Daniel Aaron DONAHUE
Unité Virus et Immunité, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Remembering Mark Wainberg as a mentor
Meeting number 92
Date 18/04/2017 at 4 PM
Topic Residual risk of HIV sexual transmission
Organizers Jade Ghosn (Université Paris Descartes, EA 7327, Laboratoire de Virologie, Faculté de Médecine site Necker, Paris)
Speakers Romulus BREBAN
Unité d’Epidémiologie des Maladies Emergentes, Institut Pasteur, Paris 
Meta-analysis of the residual risk of sexual HIV transmission from efficiently treated persons
Université Paris Descartes, EA 7327, Laboratoire de Virologie, Faculté de Médecine site Necker, Paris 
Presence of HIV RNA in the seminal fluid of efficiently treated men
Nathalie DEJUCQ
Université de Rennes, INSERM U1085 – IRSET, Rennes
Origin of HIV RNA in sperm and role of infected sperm cells
Meeting number 91
Date 10/03/2017 at 12 AM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Nicoletta Casartelli (IP)
Speaker Leo JAMES
MRC, Cambridge, UK
Dynamic pores in HIV capsid import nucleotides for DNA synthesis
Meeting number 90
Date 25/01/2017 at 12 AM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Asier Saez-Cirion (IP) and ANRS AC32
Speaker Aftab ANSARI
Emory University, Atlanta, USA
A non-human primate model that serves to identify an alternative to a lifetime of ART


GRS Meetings 2016

Meeting number 89
Date 15/12/2016 at 4 PM
Topic HIV neutralizing antibodies
Organizers Hugo Mouquet  (IP)
Speakers Mireia PELEGRIN 
Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier 
Vaccinal effect of antiviral monoclonal antibodies: converting immunotherapies from passive to active
Institut de Biologie Structurale, Université de Grenoble
Analyzing HIV broadly neutralizing antibody lineages to inform vaccine design
Mélanie Bouvin-Pley
Université de Tours
Population-level evolution of the envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 under the selective pressure of Nabs
Meeting number 88
Date 10/05/2016 at 4 PM
Topic TRIM / SUMO / Interferon in antiviral responses
Organizers Lisa Chakrabarti (IP)
Speakers Jack-Christophe COSSEC
Organisation Nucléaire et Oncogénèse, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Chromatin functions of SUMO in innate immunity
Nathalie ARHEL
INSERM U941, Hôpital St Louis, Paris
TRIM5alpha regulation by SUMOylation and nuclear sequestration ensures efficient innate sensing in dendritic cells
Sébastien NISOLE
INSERM UMR S1124, Centre Universitaire des Sainst-Pères, Paris
PML/TRIM19-dependent inhibition of retroviral reverse-transcription by Daxx
Meeting number 87
Date 20/04/2016 at 4 PM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Marc Lavigne (IP) and Pascale Lesage (St Louis Hospital, Inserm)
Speaker Henry LEVIN
Section of Transposable Elements, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, USA
Integration site selection: how transposable elements in S. Pombe and HIV-1 in human cells identify their targets
Meeting number 86
Date 18/03/2016 at 2 PM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Virology
Organizer Nicoletta Casartelli (IP)
Speaker Massimo PIZZATO
Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Italy
SERINC, an ancient defense against retroviruses
Meeting number 85
Date 12/01/2016 at 4 PM
Topic CD4+ T cells and HIV tissue reservoirs
Organizers Lisa Chakrabarti (IP)
Speakers Christine BOURGEOIS
Inserm UMR 1184 / Centre IMVA, le Kremlin-Bicêtre
CD4+ T cells in adipose tissue represent a neglected HIV/SIV reservoir
Inserm UMR 1043 / CHU Toulouse
Chemotaxis of CD4+ T lymphocytes and immune reconstitution of the intestinal mucosa under ART
Vaccine Research Institute, Créteil
Resident and circulating memory CD4+ T cells lacking SAMHD1 are highly sensitive to HIV-1 infection

GRS Meetings 2015

Meeting number 84
Date 28/10/2015 at 12 AM
Topic GRS International Seminar Series: Vaccinology
Organizer Lisa Chakrabarti (IP)
Speaker Zhiwei CHEN
AIDS Institute, University of Hong Kong, HK
PD-1-based vaccines for AIDS and cancer immunotherapy
Meeting number 83
Date 28/04/2015 at 4 PM
Topic Interactions of HIV-1 with the nuclear pore and chromatin factors
Organizers Francesca di Nunzio (IP) et Nicoletta Casartelli (IP)
Speakers Leo JAMES
Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK
HIV-1 capsid recruits host cofactors to mediate nuclear import
Francesca DI NUNZIO
Unité de Virologie Moléculaire et Vaccinologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Chromatin organization at the nuclear pore favours HIV-1 replication
Genethon, Evry, France
Lentiviral gene transfer vectors and the human genome
Meeting number 82
Date 08/04/2015 at 4 PM
Topic HIV primary infection
Organizers Asier Saez-Cirion (IP) and the Concerted Action AC32 of ANRS
Speakers Laurence MEYER
Inserm U1018-CESP, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre
The experience of the ANRS CO6 PRIMO cohort
U.S. Military HIV Research Program, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,Bethesda, USA
Treatment of acute HIV infection: A critical step to HIV remission
Laurence WEISS
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou et IP, Paris
Regulatory and effector CD4 responses during primary HIV infection
University of Oxford, UK
Biomarkers to predict viral rebound after treatment interruption – fact or fantasy?

GRS meetings have been held since 2002. The list of previous meetings can be obtained by contacting the GRS organizing committee at:

Useful links

UNAIDS : Program of the United Nations on HIV/AIDS.

SIDACTION : French association providing hep to HIV infected persons, and promoting HIV/AIDS prevention and research.

ANRS-MIE : French National Agency for the fight of HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and emerging infectious diseases.

Medscape HIV/AIDS : Informations on HIV/AIDS for health professionals, summaries of AIDS conferences.

AMEDEO HIV infection : Bibliographic information service on HIV/AIDS.

HIV sequence database : Repertory of HIV nucleotide sequences and epitopes.

CROI 2021 presentations : listen to webcasts and podcasts of presentations made at the CROI conference (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections).

Contact us

For more information on the GRS meetings, or to suggest topics for future meetings, contact us at:

Last updated Jan. 5, 2024, by Lisa Chakrabarti.
