Members [All]
Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics
Matthias GroschelPhD Student -
Aissatou TouréPermanent Researcher
Synthetic Biology
Elise SiouvePhD Student -
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Estelle SerreTechnician -
Manish NepalPost-doc
Ewen CorrePost-doc
Ann-Kathrin WagnerUndergraduate Student
Molecular Biophysics
Sébastien BrûléResearch Engineer -
Major Federating Program Vaccinology
Christiane GerkePermanent Researcher -
Pamela SchnupfPost-doc
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Amandine PerrinResearch Engineer -
Sophie LefèvreDeputy Director of National Reference Center
Daniel FiolePermanent Researcher
Environment and Infectious Risks
Guillain MikatyProject Manager -
Laura GrangePhD Student
The Southeast Asia encephalitis project
Magali HerrantProject Manager -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Thais Chouin-CarneiroPhD Student -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Dinair Couto-LimaPhD Student -
Javier Garcia-PerezPost-doc
Jian BaiPhD Student