Members [All]
Emilia ChmielnickiMaster Student
Group: Humoral Immunity
Mélissa MarauxMaster Student -
Lorea Iturri TorreaPost-doc
Insect-Virus Interactions
Sarah MerklingAssistant Professor -
Pathogenesis of vascular infections
Pierre NivoitResearch Engineer -
Alice MeigniéPhD Student
Natalie JonesPhD Student
Structural Virology
Atousa ArbabianPost-doc -
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer
Timea MartonPost-doc -
Yohann RolinTechnician
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Dieter PullirschPermanent Researcher -
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Pavan-kumar PuvvulaPermanent Researcher -
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
François LehembrePermanent Researcher -
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Grégory DavidPermanent Researcher -
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Joop JansenPermanent Researcher -
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Catherine LavauPermanent Researcher -
Immunology of Fungal Infections
Giorgio CamilliPost-doc -
Gustavo Gil AlvesUndergraduate Student
Center for the Production and Infection of Anopheles
Audrey LorthioisResearch Engineer -
Karine RottierResearch Engineer