Members [All]
Donna Joe BigotUndergraduate Student
Milagros Collados RodriguezPost-doc
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Yann Loe-MieResearch Engineer -
Fungal Heterogeneity
Cécile GautierTechnician -
Structures and signals in the neurogenic niche
Billel BenmimounPost-doc -
Khaoula BoulkroutUndergraduate Student
Gabriel BenetProject Manager
Virus sensing and signaling
Ségolène GraciasResearch Engineer -
Bacteriophage, bacterium, host
Marta LourençoPost-doc -
Mathieu ValadeResearch Engineer
Collection of Cyanobacteria
Vincent RuviciniUndergraduate Student -
Isabel Garcia JuncedaUndergraduate Student
Leslie LandemaineUndergraduate Student
Group: Humoral Immunity
Ana Catarina Cardoso da SilvaPhD Student -
Trypanosome Cell Biology
Moara LemosResearch Engineer -
UMR3738 – Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Laure Bally-CuifHead of Structure -
Trypanosome Molecular Biology
Lucy GloverHead of Structure -
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Elise LarsonneurResearch Engineer -
Larissa VernierProject Manager
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Thomas CokelaerResearch Engineer