Members [All]
Ecology and Emergence of Arthropod-borne Pathogens
Marina PenovaPost-doc -
Ecology and Emergence of Arthropod-borne Pathogens
Ahmed.Tawfik MoustafaPost-doc -
Cell death and epithelial homeostasis
Jakub VoznicaPhD Student -
NanoImaging Core
Eduard Baquero SalazarResearch Engineer -
Structural Virology
Arvind SharmaPost-doc -
Daria KartashevaPhD Student
Jesintha GastonTechnician
Sylvie LagayePermanent Researcher
Group: Humoral Immunity
Jean-Baptiste BeneteauUndergraduate Student -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Leen DelangPost-doc -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Yousra BenseddikMaster Student -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Elodie CalvezPhD Student -
Lobna GaayebProject Manager
Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologies
Aurelie ChichePermanent Researcher -
Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologies
Mathieu von JoestPhD Student -
Emile AuriaPhD Student
Gökberk AlagozUndergraduate Student
Diego Cordero CervantesPost-doc
Expertise group : Stats
Thomas ObadiaResearch Engineer -
Chemoinformatics and proteochemometrics
Nicolas BoscPost-doc