Members [All]
Group: Humoral Immunity
Jean-Baptiste BeneteauUndergraduate Student -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Leen DelangPost-doc -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Yousra BenseddikMaster Student -
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Elodie CalvezPhD Student -
Lobna GaayebProject Manager
Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologies
Aurelie ChichePermanent Researcher -
Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologies
Mathieu von JoestPhD Student -
Emile AuriaPhD Student
Gökberk AlagozUndergraduate Student
Diego Cordero CervantesPost-doc
Expertise group : Stats
Thomas ObadiaResearch Engineer -
Chemoinformatics and proteochemometrics
Nicolas BoscPost-doc -
Anne Lassailly-BondazAdministrative Staff
Hélène Da ConceicaoAdministrative Staff
Chemoinformatics and proteochemometrics
Olivier SperandioGroup Leader -
Human Evolutionary Genetics
João C. TeixeiraPost-doc -
Clovis GatsiUndergraduate Student
Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines
Amandine AoufoussiUndergraduate Student -
Innate Immunity
Jean-Marc DoisneResearch Engineer -
Cochlear development and therapeutic perspectives
Céline TrébeauTechnician