AI in Neurosciences hands-on workshop
This workshop provides training in modelling and model-driven analysis of neuroscience experimental data. We will cover fundamental principles of neural data analysis, behaviour video data and show recent progress in these approaches. The workshop […]
AI in Structural Biology hands-on workshop
This workshop provides training in AI-driven structure prediction from sequence and cutting-edge protein design techniques. It covers both fundamental and advanced methods, offering a solid foundation for applying these tools effectively and for critically […]
AI in Genomics hands-on workshop
This workshop explores the application of AI in genomics, focusing on advanced tools and models. Participants will learn to use Large Language Models (LLM) to detect mobile genetic elements in bacterial genomes using curated […]
AI for Life Sciences Theoretical Workshop for Pasteur PhD students
In 2024, at the request of Yasmine Belkaid, General Director of the Institut Pasteur, a Theoretical Workshop is offered to all Pasteur PhD candidates to strengthen research capabilities in areas such as image processing, […]
Cours Pasteur Analyse de données avec Stata (3 sessions)
Ce cours fait partie d’un parcours de formation du Master Specialisé en Santé Publique de l’Ecole Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP. Le cours est composé de trois cours d’une semaine pouvant être suivis indépendamment, et présente les principes […]
Pasteur Course Mother and child dyad: current evidence in a global perspective
This course is an intensive one-week program focused on the key issues surrounding maternal and child health. For more information and program, please, visit the course webpage.
Cours Pasteur Structure et fonction des protéines
Ce cours intensif de cinq semaines, alliant théorie et pratique, est dédié à l’étude des relations entre la structure et la fonction des protéines. Il offre une formation complète couvrant les bases de la […]